Transmutation News April 2016 Download printable version
We can still wake up from the current destructive dreams that the collective is dreaming into being. But this will take a tremendous amount of mental concentration and focus. This kind of mental energy needed to change the dream is a dormant skill or does not always come naturally for people living in a busy modern day culture.
Steps can be taken to sharpen our concentration and focus. And nature is such a great teacher to help us exercise spiritual “powers” within that have gone dormant. I cannot encourage you enough to spend more time in nature to heal, increase your level of awareness, and to learn how to tap into your own psychic gifts. Spend time in nature and start to use the practice of Deep Listening to learn what the earth, air, water, and fire have to share with us at this critical time on the planet.
Before you do any journey work or meditation make sure you prepare so that you can step away from your ordinary thoughts and daily activities. You have to pull up the “anchors” to your ordinary thoughts to go deep enough to access the guidance and perform spiritual practices needed to create true change and transformation.
This month I invite everyone to perform a shamanic journey or meditation to a territory in the invisible realms called the “Land of Dreams”. You can put on some expansive music and listen and just dive into your own inner landscape to find this territory. Once you arrive in this landscape request to meet a master or mistress teacher of dreams. With the assistance of this teacher ask to be shown what you are daydreaming into being. Watch your current daydreams all the way through to see the final outcome they lead to. This is a truly enlightening practice. Consult with this wise helping spirit and, ask to be shown what you and also the collective are dreaming into being by the use of your imagination. Once again consult with this helping spirit and ask for practices to use concentration and focus to shift what you daydream about during the day. We truly do use our imagination to create the dream we are living in. If we are not willing to use our concentration, focus, and imagination to shift the dream we are living in then you can see the path ahead. There will be no surprises. We must step up our dreaming work as a collective. We have important work to do as dreamers, and the work can’t wait.
Honoring our dreaming work let’s perform a simple ceremony this month. Choose a day to perform this when you can hold a relaxed but focused attitude, close your eyes and begin to travel into the invisible realms. As we have done in the last couple of months, walk the path from the room you are journeying or meditating in. You might find yourself walking down a path that is surrounded by tall, beautiful, strong, and healthy trees. The earth you walk on is fine and you are stepping on rich dark soil. You can feel your footsteps making an impression on the earth. As you walk you listen to the beauty of the sounds in nature and take in the exquisite fragrances shared by the local trees, plants, and air which give us life. Is there grass growing? What other nature beings are in this place? You can even experience how the air tastes. Notice if there is a body of water in this place, and if you can hear running water. Feel the power of the sun as it is setting and the stars and moon above start to shine their beautiful light.
As you walk feel your heartbeat and just notice what you are feeling. We have taken the time to open our hearts in love to each other. Feel your connection to a family of like minded souls who do everything possible to be in service to others and to the Earth.
As you continue to walk you arrive at a large clearing. Use your imagination to see, feel, hear, smell, and taste all that is around you in this clearing. Step fully into this clearing rather than watching your journey/meditation/daydream as if it was a movie. Be here now. Give thanks to all the helping spirits you continue to work with who are now also part of our circle.
As you enter the clearing you will be met by a guardian spirit who will cleanse you on a spiritual level. This compassionate spirit might cleanse you with incense, or a feather, or sing over you, or touch your hair, or whisper a message into your ear. Be open and know these are helping spirits who wish to help you feel unburdened by your ordinary thoughts and concerns.
Notice the fire burning strong in the middle of the clearing. This is the same fire that has been burning for months receiving the blessings we wish to manifest and the wounds we wish to transform. Step up the fire and listen to the crackling sound and smell the smoke. Sit with the fire for awhile and ask it for a message. Fire is intelligent, alive, and a true source of wisdom. Share with the fire a dream for yourself and the planet you wish to see manifest. Feed the fire with the beauty of this dream for all of life.
The full moon is April 22. Let us imagine our divine light being woven together in rainbow colors that embrace the earth and all of life with love. Perform your transfiguration with passion. Combine intention + love + unity + harmony + concentration + focus + imagination to experience your divine light and connect and merge this light with others doing the same.
For those of you new to reading the Transmutation News please visit Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.
I wanted to let everyone know I will be teaching a teleconferencing course through the Shift Network titled “Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing Part 2: Shamanic Practices for Divination, Collective Blessing & Helping Others”. The course will begin on June 21 and will be taught for 12 weeks. I taught this course last year, and it was so transformative for people who signed up. People were able to bridge shamanic work into their families, their business, their community, and also be of greater service to the planet.
In the last course I taught through the Shift Network participants from 42 countries signed up. We created quite the global community from which we could do deep work. I know there are mixed feeling about courses taught through teleconferencing. There are pros and cons. But what an opportunity to work with a global community joining our hearts and spirit together in behalf of the Earth.
The prerequisite for this course is taking Part 1 or being able to show you have taken a workshop on shamanic journeying.
I do not have information on how to register yet. But I wanted to let you know so you can mark the date if you are interested. And I will of course give registration information as it becomes available.
For now here are the topics I will covering:
Perform a journey in behalf of someone else. This will include how to tell healing stories to inspire those we work with. I will also talk about the ethics of working in behalf of others.
I will talk about how to teach children how to journey. Our future depends on our children being able to have a strong spiritual foundation and support in contacting the helping spirits.
We will learn how to retrieve a lost power animal for someone needing this type of healing. I will teach how to perform a power animal retrieval for a person, a relationship, a family, a business, and a place.
We will journey and perform a ceremony to bring back the soul of a city, community, or location on the Earth. Please note: I cannot teach how to do perform soul retrievals for individuals as this is beyond what I can teach in a teleconferencing format.
I will lead us in work that helps us to remember why we were born and our life’s purpose. And we will do some deeper work to explore what we are dreaming into being through our daydreams.
We will continue our work with transfiguration, and we will actually perform a long distance transfiguration experiment to observe the results of how our global community can join together to create healing with working with Healing with Spiritual Light.
We will deepen our work with connecting with nature and learn how align with the cycles of the moon.
We will dive deep into working with ancient civilizations and descendants to learn how we can best be of service to the planet. We will learn how ancient civilizations worked with more advanced healing methods and the possibilities of how descendants work in the future with sound and light.
We will also learn how to journey to explore the wealth of information we can obtain from journeying into parallel realities and multidimensions.
I will lead us in a very safe way to become a medium for a helping spirit and how to “see” the world through the eyes of spirit. During this session I will also bring through messages from Isis for our circle.
We will delve into the important topic of how we can help loved ones who are dying transition in a graceful way. Shamanic cultures do not see death as an end, and I will share ways to help people facing death.
We will end Part 2 with learning how to bring all we learned in the course into our local communities and how we can lead ceremonies for healing and transformation. I will teach how to design a ceremony and how to create sacred space when we bring this work to others.
The Shift Network will help to create a buddy system where participants can practice healing and divination work on each other if they choose to.
Each session will end with a powerful virtual ceremony that will help us to continue our own personal healing and evolution as well as performing ceremonies in behalf of the Earth.
You have already received emails from me about the Year of Ceremony sponsored by Sounds True. Over the next 13 full moons this community will come together to take part in monthly ceremonies for healing and transformation. Don’t miss this event:
Click here to learn more about a Year of Ceremony!
The program will feature many brilliant shamanic teachers of our time, including myself, José Luis Stevens, Christina Pratt, Llyn Cedar Roberts, Hank Wessleman, Julie Kramer, Claude Poncelet, Alberto Villoldo, Jonathan Horowitz, Evelyn Rysdyk, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, and Luisah Teish.
These teachers will be your guides each month to offer you an unprecedented new way to explore your existing practice and create new ones.
You will build deeper relationships to the spirit world, the forces of nature, and with the global shamanic community. Please join us by clicking on the link to learn more about a Year of Ceremony!
Bhola Banstola is an extraordinary shaman who is carrying down a beautiful tradition that he was initiated into by his grandfather. Bhola is a true example of a shaman who can walk into a room and uplift everyone and transform by his presence of light and love. His teaching style is filled with love, clarity, truth, wisdom, and humor. His study and cultural tours to Nepal and Asia to learn with him and with other shamans are amazing. Everyone I know who has studied with Bhola has loved his workshop and those who traveled to Asia have felt safe, loved, taken care of and brought back home what they had been looking for. And it is true gift to receive a healing, participate in his classes and to travel with Bhola. Do not miss any opportunity you have to work with Bhola! The details of his workshops and travels are found in After the aftermath of great earthquake in April 2015 which devastated Nepal, Bhola and his wife Mimi have worked non-stop to bring relief and humanitarian support to earthquake victims.
Robert Moss is teaching a new course through the Shift Network titled “Quantum Dreaming”. For more information please visit:
Copyright 2016 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.