Transmutation News April 2017 Download printable version
As I shared last month I continue to receive miraculous case studies about using shamanic work to help people heal on all levels.
I recently received a wonderful email from Ann who had remarkable results working with creating a Prayer Tree. I have shared the instructions on how to create a Prayer Tree in previous issues of the Transmutation News. I also wrote about creating Prayer Trees in my books Walking in Light and Speaking with Nature (co-authored with Llyn Roberts).
Ann shared a powerful story of creating a prayer tree at her home. She has a cousin who developed a sacral spine wound and as a result of being wheelchair-bound wounds set in that were painful and life-threatening.
Ann empowered a piece of yarn with focused intention to heal the wound and tied the yarn on her tree. The process was repeated several times.
The wounds on her cousin completely healed up. This healing was accomplished in less than two weeks. As you can imagine his visiting nurse was amazed as no conventional treatment had worked in the six months of trying to heal the wounds. It seems impossible that the wounds first reduced in size and then vanished.
No need to tell you: in the world of medicine, this rapid wound closure would be considered "impossible".
The healing seemed to extend beyond Ann cousin’s physical disability. It affected his attitude. He no longer thinks of himself as a victim of his disability and is now offering to pray for others (friends and family). He started his own prayer list.
As you can imagine Ann and her cousin are so grateful!
On March 12 I led a transfiguration ceremony to close out the first phase of the Year of Ceremony sponsored by Sounds True. It was a lovely ceremony. When I went to bed that night I received a powerful vision. I was not asleep, but I was not fully awake either. I was in an in between state of consciousness.
I was shown how the Earth is a body and is evolving just like all of life. And in her evolution, there are now new Earth energies coming through. I saw that the Earth is bringing through a new quality of love and a higher vibration that we can tap into.
But I was told everyone has to make a choice. We can only experience this new vibration and the new earth energies flooding the Earth if we continue our spiritual practices that lead us to living at a higher vibration and frequency. For as long as we stay attuned to the denser collective consciousness we will not be able to experience this new energy that is now coming through.
I was told everyone has to make a choice which energies we want to open to. This is similar to the message of my teacher, the Goddess Isis, that we all have to pick the wave we want to ride on right now – the wave of living life from a higher level of consciousness or getting stuck in the level of consciousness where people are still asleep and living in a trance.
We can open to the new Earth energies coming through now. You just have to make a choice.
If you keep up your daily spiritual practices especially transfiguration you will naturally find the door to the dimensional shift you are desiring.
It was an amazing feeling to experience these energies filling up my body. I wonder what you will experience if you choose to open to the new quality of love and light coming through.
I have been encouraging you to lead transfiguration ceremonies with your friends, loved ones, and in your local community. In the past, I have shared a transcript of a transfiguration ceremony that I led for a group of 400 people. But as new readers keep finding the Transmutation News I felt it would be helpful to post the transcript that can be read and printed out at any time.
Sylvia Edwards posted the transcript on the section marked Transmutation News where the instructions for our full moon ceremony “Creating A Human of Light” and “How to Prepare for a Ceremony” are also posted.
I will keep encouraging you to share this powerful work.
As you all know I am in love with nature. And I also have learned so much from all the nature beings from microscopic to massive and those who live under the water, roam the earth, and fly in the air.
I have my BA in Marine Biology, and I specialized in the study of algae. There are algae that are so beautiful, fine, and delicate like nothing I have seen on the earth. I also did a research study with hermit crabs that gained a lot of attention from the scientific community. This was back in the 1970s.
I know that we tend to focus on nature beings that we see all the time as we hike in nature or in the media. And I love all these beings too.
But my attention also gets drawn to species of nature beings that people don’t tend to focus on much. A few years ago, I was entranced with sloths. And I bought numerous books on sloths and learned a lot from them in my journeys.
Recently someone posted an article about octopuses on Facebook. I have always loved octopuses and slept with a stuffed toy octopus for quite awhile. In this article, it was shared that octopuses have DNA that have not been seen in other life forms, and some scientists were wondering if octopuses were alien beings.
I was intrigued for obvious reasons. So I started researching octopuses on the web. And I found more scientific articles about their amazing genetic makeup. The octopus genome is almost as large as humans and contains a greater number of protein coding genes – some 33,000 compared to 25,000 in humans. One remarkable gene group regulates development of neurons creating their large brain. Half a billion spill out from their head through their arms.
They have a genome that explains their intelligence and how they adapt their neural network properties to enable extraordinary learning and memory capabilities.
So I am enjoying learning about octopuses and the energetic signature they bring to the web of life.
For every living being brings an energetic signature to the web of life that complements the vibration and frequency of each other. The vibration of all of life dances together in a mysterious and remarkable way bringing such a wealth of beauty and unique qualities to our planet.
I encourage you to focus on learning about some of the nature beings that might ignite your curiosity or who live in your locale. For example, maybe there is moss on your favorite tree. You connect with the tree, but maybe not the moss.
There are amazing and exquisite beings we share this Earth with. I think it brings a new dimension to life when we step out of the box of only focusing on the living beings we tend to see a lot and forget those small and often forgotten beings who bring such gifts to the web of life.
Be curious and learn more about the wealth of beings we share this great Earth with.
The full moon is April 11. Let us begin by imagining yourself fully connected to the web of life. Start by doing your preparation work so your ordinary concerns are not spilling into the sacred work you are doing. Settle in, and sink into the vibrational energy that is unique to each living being that is part of the web of life. Feel how the vibrations from all living forms on this great planet Earth dance together. For we are all connected to the frequency of all life forms in ways that most of us have not explored or are aware of.
There is something so special about tuning into our feeling sense to experience the gift that every living being that lives under the water, in the air, and on the earth brings to life here on Earth. And as I said earlier this includes the microscopic to the massive. And it includes the rocks, crystals, and so on. Feel the connection of the different frequencies in your body while knowing we all live here in cooperation and in partnership. We impact each other by what happens in the life of all.
Feel the love in your heart for all the nature beings we share the Earth with. And make a clear choice to travel deeply within and radiate your inner divine light to embrace and uplift all in the web of life. Radiate your light within and throughout the Earth. Feel the sensation of connecting with thousands of others in our global community as we connect our hearts and radiate our light together.
If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please visit “Creating a Human Web of Light” posted on the homepage for instructions for our full moon ceremony.
Let’s stand strong together to hold a positive vision for the Earth and all of life. We must keep up our social activism work, continue our transfiguration practice, and keep praying to the helping spirits to intervene in ethical ways to help protect all of life due to unconscious choices being made by humans who have forgotten their destiny to caretake the Earth.
To order my books Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life, Speaking with Nature: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth (co-written with Llyn Roberts), my CD “Shamanic Visioning Music: Taiko Drum Journeys”, “The Spirit of Healing” or any of my other books and CD programs, the Transmutation App (now available for both Apple and Android devices) please visit:
Frankly I did not plan on teaching another Two-Year Teacher Training. But so many people are writing to me and asking me if I will lead another training. So now I am envisioning leading a new Teacher Training. But many do not realize how much experience you need in order to enroll in such a training. For you can only teach shamanism from your experience and not your notes. This is such an inspirited practice.
I would like to give you the prerequisites now so you can start working on them for a future training.
You need to have taken workshops on these topics:
The introductory class on shamanic journeying
Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light (Participating in Part 1 and 2 of my Shift Network courses fulfills this prerequisite).
Five-Day Soul Retrieval Training
Death and Dying – including psychopomp work
In addition, once you are working with clients you will need to send me case studies that show you are getting good results with your shamanic healing work. The case studies will need to be sent with your application. And you will need to be working with clients for at least a few months to show your level of experience.
For without the experience of working with clients one lacks the knowledge to be able to teach shamanism in an authentic and powerful way.
You can take these prerequisites with any teacher listed on
I will share more about the program and the application process when I have scheduled the training. But for now, most of you who are interested will need time to fulfill the prerequisites and start working with clients.
I have not kept track of how many people are interested. And to know the interest level helps me focus on the right retreat center to rent for the training. If you are interested in attending a Two-Year Teacher Training, please email Sylvia Edwards at: Again, we are not ready to give out details or applications.
In June I will start teaching a twelve-week teleconferencing course sponsored by the Shift Network titled “Shamanic Journeys for Community Healing: How Shamanic Practice Can Heal Families, Communities and Nations”. The course will begin on June 20. To learn about this remarkable and powerful course I have written a description on the Training section of this site. I will write more about the course next month, and I will share registration information as soon as I have it.
I will also write out the description of the course in the May Transmutation News.
Judith Orloff MD – a UCLA psychiatrist, an empath, and NY Times bestselling author has written a wonderful book. In her new book, The Empath’s Survival Guide Dr. Orloff offers support to empaths and highly sensitive people as well as anyone who wants to develop their empathy to become a more caring, empowered person.
Dr. Orloff celebrates the exciting launch of The Empath’s Survival Guide by treating you to an incredible book launch offer with special download gifts.
To purchase the book and receive your Exclusive Empathy Gift Collection, including the opportunity to win a session with Dr. Orloff go to:
Here are some Shift Network free lectures you might want to sign up for:
You can join a FREE virtual event with Grandmother Flordemayo: Blessed by Grandmother’s Wisdom: Sacred Prayer & Opening to the Mayan I’x — the Spirit of the Feminine.
Ram Das will be speaking on a FREE virtual event: Relaxing Into Aging: How to Befriend the Changes With Humor, Grace and Lightness of being:
On April 1 Caroline Casey will present a FREE online workshop: Rising Trickster Renaissance: Protecting Democracy from Dementors of Doom with Creativity, Magic & Myth.
Register for free here:
Here are two some summits I will be presenting on:
I have recently been interviewed for the “Empowered Visionary World Summit” hosted by Kari VanTine.
Please join me and over 20 other powerful speakers as we explore how we can step into our power as visionaries and make a difference on the planet right now. sign up here
This free interview series explores the lives of “luminaries and visionaries” who use their strengths in many different ways and the advice, and guidance they have for others, like you, learning to trust your inner wisdom and step into your power. A few of the other speakers are Martha Beck, Bernie Siegel, Susun Weed, and SARK.
Through each of us stepping into our own unique strengths and trusting ourselves we make the world a better place. When thousands of us do this, the ripple effect is enormous!
Please sign up to hear this free series, inspiring series at
Phoenix Rising Star shares her inspiring story which inspired her to create a summit on miracles.
Phoenix was in an abusive, emotionally toxic relationship and didn’t know how to get out of it without more abuse. She discovered an ordinary tool that allowed her to focus on her desired change. After 30 days, she was able to leave that relationship unharmed, and now attracts healthier relationships in her life and lives the life of her dreams.
Here is the opportunity to experience not one, but lots of ordinary tools for extraordinary results. I am joining 20+ experts who understand The Energy of Miracles and are sharing their ordinary tools for healing themselves and healing the world in an upcoming interview series. The Energy of Miracles: How to Heal Yourself and Your World Using Ordinary Tools for Extraordinary Results. You’ll learn how to open to The Energy of Miracles and make the changes in your world you’ve been wanting to make. Not just in relationships, but health, environment, career, abundance and more!
Join me here: beginning on May 8.
Sign up now to begin receiving all the details you need to open up to The Energy of Miracles. This summit is free of charge.
Copyright 2017 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.