Transmutation News April 2020 Download printable version
I am delighted to share the news that. I was named by Watkins Mind Body Spirit Magazine as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People for 2020. I made it to number 24 on the list. I feel that my work being honored also honors shamanism and all the good work we are all doing.
The Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work is so important to work with daily. When I first started studying shamanism, I learned that viruses are created from negative thought forms. Think of all the negativity being flooded into our collective due to anger over world politics, the fires in the Amazon, and the fires in Australia.
The Amazon is seen as the lungs of the Earth. And now we have a virus impacting lungs.
Everything is truly connected. I think the changes we are seeing will continue until people not just wake up, but shift priorities to life being more important than money.
We have great ability to maintain our health, support our communities with transfiguration work, and do our practices together to transform negative states of consciousness.
I am teaching a special course for The Shift Network where I am taking the most powerful practices of The Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work and created a seven-week course.
The course will have three levels. We will work on maintaining our personal health physically, mentally, and spiritually. We will perform transfiguration and other healing ceremonies to keep our global circle strong, and we will perform ceremonies for all of life. And of course we will look at how to share this work in our local communities if this of interest to you.
Not all the material will be new to you. But this course is a way to keep up our practices together keeping them alive and vibrant feeding their power to keep us safe, opening to bigger teachings, expanding our perspective, and joining together for ceremonial work. I will be guiding all the exercises and there are no prerequisites for this course.
The free introductory call will be on April 1 and the course will begin April 14 on Tuesday nights for 7 weeks. The sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.
You can register here for 3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community:
I wrote The April Transmutation News early as I had an upcoming workshop and travels I needed to prepare for. Although this column does not talk about the corona virus I feel the message shared is so important to maintaining our health.
I was journeying and all of a sudden my helping spirits started talking to me about the election in the US. I did not ask about the election. It was a spontaneous message. My spirits did not get into detail, but they left me with some huge insights. The path is a little twisty so you will need to follow where their conversation with me took me to.
Around the election the information was quick and simple. I was told that people will vote for the candidate that makes them feel safe and cared for.
This led me to the environment. For when picking leaders just to feel safe the environment is often left out of the mix.
This is where this statement led me. I keep writing that we are nature and not connected to nature. What I was shown that our abuse towards nature is like abusing our organs in our body to the point that the body starts to attack itself with autoimmune issues.
And we are seeing many mysterious autoimmune issues on the planet today. And if we don’t start caring for our body which is nature, the attacks on us by ourselves will keep increasing.
Then this led me to my personal work. I was told that my constant self judgement on what I did wrong instead of acknowledging what I did right is feeding into health problems. For when we don’t feel worthy, are critical of ourselves, and can’t absorb love we end up attacking ourselves. This creates auto immune issues and extreme inflammation which is so prevalent today.
The core of the message for me was if we want to heal ourselves and the planet we must absorb divine unconditional love, work through how we judge ourselves, and emanate constant love to nature and follow up by changing our actions and behavior towards all the sentient beings we share the Earth with. And we know how these practices feed our soul.
The full moon is April 7. Drop your ordinary concerns and expand your perspective to embrace a larger picture. Perform your preparation work and experience your true brilliance radiating within and throughout this Earth. Let your light and love emanate to every living being on the planet.
If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please read Creating a Human Web of Light on the homepage for directions for our full moon ceremonies.
During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is We also have a section for online courses:
I am delighted to announce The Book of Ceremony is available in Norwegian. The rights for the book also just sold in Swedish and will be out next year.
Please join Renee Baribeau and me on The Shamans Cave. It is an exciting opportunity for me to continue to share inspiration, shamanic practices and ceremonies. I hope you will subscribe.
The Shamans Cave has been a joyful and powerful way for me to continue teaching and contributing to the shamanic community.
For more information on our podcast schedule, other details, and to watch our archived podcasts please visit:
All my books and audio programs are filled with deep wisdom and helpful tools to improve the quality of your life and give wonderful suggestions of how we can be in greater service in the world.
To order my books and audio programs please visit:
Renee Baribeau is such an amazing teacher. I love the wisdom she shares during our podcast on The Shamans Cave. Her work with the wind is incredibly profound. She is teaching a new course “Wind Work Basics with Renee Baribeau. Shamanist skills to Navigate a turbulent Age”. I know the course will provide powerful tools to work with.
Andean Medicine Journey with Mitchell Clute
May 26-June 7, 2020
Join Mitchell Clute in the Sacred Valley of Peru for a 13-day immersion in the sacred land and culture of the Peruvian highlands, including six days of ceremony with the plant teacher Huachuma (San Pedro cactus). This journey is a profound opportunity to receive healing, clarify your deepest intentions, reset your path and learn to navigate life from the space of the heart.
Mitchell Clute is the host of The Shamanic Path Facebook group, and has spent many years studying the world’s shamanic and earth-based spiritual traditions, especially the Andean cosmovision.. To learn more or reserve a spot on this journey, email:
Join celebrated dream shaman Robert Moss to discover dreams and myths of rebirth, the symbols of renewal that may appear in your dreams, and the life-transforming treasures that darkness — including scary dreams — holds for you.
You can register here for “Shamanic Dreaming With Goddesses of Rebirth: Journey from Darkness With the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Into Your Larger Life”:
A few years ago I had the pleasure of having some deep conversations with Lance Allred. Lance was born deaf. He had a crazy time living in a commune in rural Montana that he was finally able to escape from. He became an NBA star. Lance has such a big heart and pure spirit. He is now taking his role as a leadership coach. His new brilliant book The Alpha Male has been released by Sounds True.
Join Peruvian curandero, psychologist, and author don Oscar Miro-Quesada, who will initiate you into the quantum reality of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition shamanism in “Discover the Medicine of Our Earth Mother Pachamama: Experience the Peruvian Shamanic Self-Care Technique of Saywa”.
Register here to explore how to walk a truly beautiful, luminous path — establishing a harmonious relationship with the universe through self-healing, the healing of others, and of the natural world:
I wanted to tell you about The Subtle Body Online Training Program with Sounds True to give you one of the most comprehensive courses in energy medicine available. This program will provide you with an in-depth foundation in energy healing, along with the information and tools you need to awaken your intuition, activate your self-healing powers, and align with your spiritual destiny. If you’d like to master energy medicine and the subtle body, this course is an essential training. Cyndi Dale has drawn from over three decades of experience to distill information from esoteric manuscripts and sacred texts, medical authorities and scientific journals, quantum physics, sacred geometry, bioenergetics, shamanism, and more into one foundational training.
Click this link for more information:
The Shamans of Nepal host a Global Gathering of Shamanic Traditions– From the Four Corners of the World to blend power and presence for healing our planet!
This unprecedented, four-day summit will have cultural programs, as well as shamanic ceremonies and rituals by shamans from all of the seven provinces of present-day Nepal. The traditional shamanic delegations from all the continents and scholars on shamanism and ancient healing practices will share their wisdom through ceremonies, dances, roundtable conferences, sacred ceremonies, ethnic music and sacred dances, short lectures and documentaries.
An exhibition of local shamanic healing objects, attires and dress, shamanism and related books exhibition, the release of new books and documentaries, intimate discussions with shamans and healers, group ceremonies and full participation. A special focus on environmental and climate changes from traditional views and visions will be shared.
Open participation for people of all walks of life without pre-requisite or qualification, it is once in a Life Time Experience!
After the four days summit, many interesting 'follow up' programs have been scheduled. If you have more time, you may join two weeks shamanic retreat taught by experiences Himalayan shamans.
Registration is a must to hold your place in this historic summit. Please send an email through the website. All details are published in the official page of the summit at
Your participation supports the preservation and fostering of humankind's most ancient healing practices.
Namaste and feel welcomed.
Bhola Banstola
International Relations, Communication and Hospitality and organizing team
Nepal and the World Shamanism Summit 2020
Kathmandu, Nepal
Copyright 2020 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.