Transmutation News April 2021 Download printable version
I remember when I was about seven years old, growing up in Brooklyn, I was quite disturbed by the level of inequality I witnessed. I could not understand why some people could have more than others. I could not understand why some people had food and some people didn’t. Why did one job pay so much more than another job when everybody had to put in the same hours?
So obviously I struggle with the issues that come up during our lives as we watch a world that is so overpopulated. There just is no equality. There are people who can get services, there are people who can’t, there are people who can get shelter and food and some are starving and trying to find shelter. This includes all our precious nature beings.
There’s so much division going on right now, and I think everything has become so exponentially out of balance that those “in authority” take more measures to control our actions and behavior. At the same time, we want our own sovereignty and free will.
One of my brother’s friends was a real intellect, and we had these really deep philosophical conversations when I was seven, and he was probably 10 or 11. We were trying to solve all the problems in the world and discussing the issues of why didn’t everyone have equal resources.
I am bringing this up due to all the issues around people having so much that they don’t even know what to do with their wealth and resources and some people who are literally just trying to find a meal and a little bit of shelter. We are all compassionate people. I imagine you think about our social issues in a variety of ways.
This is not a new issue on Earth. It feels like the division on the planet right now is growing to amazing levels. We can actually watch and feel different dimensions of reality forming as divisions over climate, health, politics, race, spirituality, vaccines, and the list goes on and keeps growing.
I am not writing about this in this column to offer a true solution to heal the inequality issues that we’re facing. The example we can turn to right away is the vaccine and the vaccine is now splitting populations into multiple classifications. So the division keeps growing.
So what are the responses to this need of humans and all nature beings to have basic rights for freedom and resources. With so many people we are just not getting the help everyone needs. This issue does cause me to lose sleep to see children and parents struggling to find a way to just get through one more day. I have been there. I have not experienced the traumas that people around the world have to face. But not having food and not knowing where my next shelter is going to be is some thing I faced a lot. I do know how this wears you down emotionally.
And all the division on so many levels is wearing us all down emotionally to where we are reevaluating our beliefs, morals, philosophy, and our spiritual practices.
On a physical level we can take action by donating to help others in need. We need to be the voice for the children of all living species who can’t talk about their need for food, for shelter, their needs for kindness, honor, and respect.
We can do acts of kindness for others. On a spiritual level we can show honor and respect to everyone who needs some acknowledgement.
People constantly tell me this is not enough. But I have first-hand experience with this. When I had to panhandle to get money for food there was a big difference of how I felt if someone spit on me or if someone showed me kindness – even a smile or an inspiring and hopeful word.
Our attitude and spiritual behavior counts. It does make a difference.
People can’t keep saying kindness and love is not enough. It is food for the soul! And that love can keep someone’s light burning for quite awhile especially when it feels quite dim.
In Walking in Light I shared a beautiful ceremony I love to do in workshops at retreat centers. But it is powerful to perform online too. I call this ceremony the Inner Chamber of Light.
In this journey you are met by loving faceless beings who bring you to an Inner Chamber of Light within the Earth. There are millions of people there repairing threads of the web of life. But they do this anonymously. No one can see anyone’s faces. It is a beautiful journey that shows it is not what you accumulated, how famous you are, or what you look like that makes a difference. The only important factor is how much love and light you are emanating throughout the web of life. And the key is not needing recognition- just doing what is right action.
For this month’s recorded ceremony, I am leading a different version of this ceremony. It is beautiful. It is a journey to observe all the people walking around the world uplifting everyone whether suffering or in joy just by being a presence of light and love.
I invite you to journey when you would like to experience this field of energy we can create from anywhere that feeds every living being on this great Earth.
Here is the You Tube link:
And we look forward to reading your experience with this journey on our new FB page Shamans Are Gardeners of Energy. If you would like to join the Facebook page, the password is “Transfiguration”.
The full moon is April 27. Let’s step out of society’s expectations of us and engage our psychic powers contained within and allow our light to flow freely touching all of life and the Earth. This time on the planet calls for us to nourish the collective with unconditional love and divine light.
If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please visit Creating A Human Web of Light on the home page to read the instructions for our full moon ceremony.
I am ACTIVELY exploring teaching physical workshops again!! Hang on! I am missing them as much as you are!
In the meantime:
I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on
And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times. Shamanic Journeying A Beginner’s Guide, Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!
Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.
During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is We also have a section for online courses:
The Sacred Science is re-releasing my course on the Power of Shamanic Journeying. This 7 week course is the perfect way to learn shamanic journeying, some of the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work, and ceremonies for personal and planetary healing. I can’t believe how much is packed into this course. It will give you tools to stay present, made good choices, learn how to receive spiritual guidance, transmute and transform negative states of consciousness in yourself and in our collective.
The course begins March 29 and will have a very active Facebook page.
Many years ago I introduced Quincy Davis to our community. He reached out to me as a rising Hip Hop musician to talk about creating peace through his songs and music. Many of you helped me to support this young budding artist who brought love, light, and prayers for peace and nature into his music.
Quincy is no longer a kid and has been producing amazing albums and doing some powerful networking. We even plan on creating an App together! Watch for this news!
Please help to support this project.
Voices of the Ancient & Modern Mythology is a project bridging the teachings of wisdom keepers with the younger generation. Growing up in the age of information where wisdom is hardest to find, we are meeting the youth where they are by offering music videos with empowering messages in the form of cutting-edge, modern music and dynamic visual storytelling. This is a way of introducing ideas to youth (typically high school and middle school students) in an engaging way, to be bridged with documentary segments of elder teachings, leading into talking circles and workshops for creative expression. For more info on the project please visit:
We are currently raising funds to begin this project and have a pending grant award that will match all contributions. Donations can be received through to our partner non-profit, Northwest Alliance for Alternative Media and Education (NAAME) for tax write-off purposes: PO Box 42671, Portland, Oregon 97242
Donations can also be made online. For more information please visit:
I recently found a new friend in Santa Fe and she does fabulous work. I can’t wait to work with her.
Rev. AdaRA L. Walton will be teaching a new healing class for the new Santa Fe Institute of Mediumship & Spiritual Studies!
Her 4hr. class, “YESHUA* Inergetics Healing,” will be taught Fri & Sat April 23 & 24 from 4-6P MT for 2 hours each day. Cost-$125
There are NO prerequisites and NO prior training needed. All that’s needed is an open mind, heart and willingness to share/expand your consciousness!
A Free info class will be given Sat April 10. Please go to: and/or call 1-833-734-5770 for more info on this and other classes.
*(Yielding to the Energy Source Healing Us Always)
A thrilling journey is beginning and you’re invited! On April 1, 2021, Bernadette King, the creator, author, and channel of the international best-selling, award winning, and history making “Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck” launches the Kickstarter campaign for her new book, “Spirit, Totem, and Power Animals - The complete book of Animal Spirit Guides”.
Bernadette and I have become allies, and I am so thrilled to share her work!
In 2019, Bernadette’s Kickstarter campaign for her Ark Animal Deck raised almost $50,000 and sold out thousands of copies in less than a year. She is manifesting an even greater success for the new book.
Bernadette is well known for her animal advocacy and noted for always saying, “Do good for animals”. Her own animal spirit guides asked her to hold the Kickstarter campaign during April because it’s “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” month.
By running her Kickstarter during April Bernadette is focused on inspiring folks to do more for the animal kingdom and hopes she’s leading by example by pledging $5,000.00 of the book’s profits in 2021 to animal charities who work to prevent animal cruelty.
“Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals - The complete book of Animal Spirit Guides” is a groundbreaking work. It’s a 9x11, full-color compendium with 700 pages making it the most comprehensive book on this subject in the world.
Click the link and sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter campaign begins! Plus, you’ll get regular updates as well as free tips and tutorials!
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I am so excited about this book!! And I hope you take the opportunity to read this gem!!
The Way of the Seabhean – An Irish Shamanic Path brings the ancient wisdom of the Irish female shaman, healer and seer – the woman who walks between the Worlds – to the mainstream. Amantha Murphy not only takes the reader through the three Worlds, but also our life’s journey around the Celtic Wheel, incorporating ancient stories of the Goddesses, as well as delving into rites of passage and women’s mysteries. Today, it is more important than ever to understand our place within ourselves and our interaction within the Great Weave.
Order your copy today at or
Christina Pratt is a remarkable shamanic teacher. I am in awe of her clarity and power of communication, the mastery of the material she teaches, and how she really dives deep into doing the personal work needed to evolve to our personal best. In a fascinating hour with ancestral healing teacher and practitioner Christina Pratt, you will discover how to create a rich working relationship with your loving, well ancestors supports you to fully engage with your life and can help ease difficult emotions and clear outdated beliefs.
You can register here for Open to the Living Love of Your Ancestors: Insights & Practices to Cultivate the Wisdom, Fulfillment & Sense of Belonging for a Life Well Lived:
Transforming Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm: An Embodied Course on Stress Reduction with Michael Stone
Michael Stone is a friend and brilliant teacher. He is devoting his teachings to the issues we are dealing with now. Stress is a pandemic far greater than Covid. It's also an opportunity to heal the personal and cultural wounding behind much of our suffering and develop new capacities for resilience, change and evolutionary growth. In this online embodied stress reduction course we will learn how stress can support our ability to be with external circumstances in a way that allows us to grow exponentially, while expanding our capacity to meet the challenges of our time.
Mara Bishop is one of my favorite shamanic teachers and practitioners. Her compassion and her clarity of communication come together to create one amazing teacher, healer, and writer. So I am happy to introduce you to Mara who is listed on
Mara wrote: Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys Citadel Press available March 30th from your local bookseller or Amazon
With 365 unique journey topics that can be used in any order, or as meditations, Shamanism for Every Day offers an invaluable guide to anyone searching for daily wisdom, spiritual insights and connection to the sacred.
“A beautiful and timely book... Mara Bishop so brilliantly inspires us to remain focused and keep up our spiritual work to be in service to ourselves, our loved ones, and all of life. Each daily practice reminds us that shamanism is a sacred way to living life. These practices are so needed right now to restore balance to the planet and to our own lives.”
Copyright 2021 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.