Zprávy o proměnách - září 2020 Stáhnout verzi pro tisk
Nedávno jsem měla během hluboké duchovní práce jednu z nejkrásnějších vizí. Procházela jsem se živým, prastarým lesem. Listy mnoha stromů se po mě natahovaly. Předávaly mi zprávu, kterou se mnou sdílela v poslední době celá příroda.
Zpráva zní: Příroda nám jde naproti tolik, kolik my jdeme k ní.
Na dosah máme obrovské léčení. K přírodním bytostem se pokoušíme mluvit ze své racionální mysli. Příroda však komunikuje s našimi tělesnými smysly, ne s naším rozumem. Bytosti přírody s námi nechtějí mluvit. Chtějí se nás dotýkat, a tak vnímejte jejich doteky a vůně, které pro nás mohou být velmi léčivé.
Byla jsem naprosto ponořena do sítě života a vnímala každou buňkou těla, jak každá bytost přírody dává a přijímá vzájemnou podporu. Byl to zážitek jako ze „šedesátek“, jednota, propojení a vnímání obrovské lásky.
Dne 22. září vplyneme do rovnodennosti. Je to nejkrásnější den, který můžeme strávit v přírodě, protože jsou nejlepší podmínky k tomu, abychom se ponořili hluboko do pole Země.
K oslavě rovnodennosti proměňte svůj postoj od rozdělování k propojování. To je to nejlepší, co právě teď můžete udělat pro veškerý život i sami pro sebe. Protože to ostatní, co se momentálně odehrává, je skutečné šílenství. Ať do té díry nespadnete.
V současnosti se před námi odkrývá mnoho různých energetických polí. Vybírejte moudře v den rovnodennosti pole, ve kterém chcete žít, zatímco roční období plyne jedno do druhého. I vy můžete vplynout do zdravějšího a jednoduššího způsobu života.
Dovolte přírodě, ať vám ukáže, jak.
Pokud hledáte vhodnou ceremonii, kterou byste mohli v den rovnodennosti uspořádat, zalistujte mou knihou Kniha obřadů: Šamanská moudrost pro objevení posvátnosti v každodenním životě. (The Book of Ceremony: invoking the Sacred into Everyday Life).
Úplněk nastává dne 2. září. Ponořme se do hlubin našeho duchovního světla, které se po nás natahuje. Jděte mu naproti a spojte se s ním ve svém vlastním světle. Spojte se se zářivým světlem naší globální komunity a dovolte mu vybudovat zdravé energetické pole pro veškerý život.
Pokud čtete Zprávy o proměnách poprvé, přečtěte si prosím instrukce k úplňkové praxi „Tvoření světelné sítě lidí“ na domovské stránce.
Připojuji se k našemu kruhu s přáním krásné rovnodennosti.
Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.
During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is https://www.shamanicteachers.com/shamanic-circles/ We also have a section for online courses: https://www.shamanicteachers.com/online-telephone-workshops/
All my books and audio programs are filled with deep wisdom and helpful tools to improve the quality of your life and give wonderful suggestions of how we can be in greater service in the world. They are filled with tools to spiritually ride the waves of this time.
To order my books and audio programs please visit:
Please join Renee Baribeau and me on The Shamans Cave. It is an exciting opportunity for me to continue to share inspiration, shamanic practices and ceremonies. I hope you will subscribe.
For more information on our podcast schedule, other details, and to watch our archived podcasts please visit: https://ShamansTV.com
Sounds True is re- releasing a beginning weekend workshop I taught that was filmed on shamanic journeying. The workshop was filmed in Boulder. We knew the workshop would be online in the future so in the beginning of each session we welcomed all future participants into the circle.
I could demonstrate exercises that I cannot demonstrate online.
I will do two live Q and A sessions as part of the course.
To learn more about Experiencing the Shamanic Journey click on this link.
Renee Baribeau and I do a weekly podcast. I am always in awe of her innovative ideas. She speaks from a place of truth and deep wisdom. Spark Your Creativity with a 7-hour virtual nature informed retreat on September 19, 2020, with Hay House Author Renee Baribeau and the Wind Clan. Using the power of the Equinox, you will combine practical tools with wind alchemy to create form from inspiration. Wind Alchemy is ancient wisdom relevant to today’s ever-changing landscape. Understanding your personal dynamic of creation can help you navigate life, wide-awake using your internal intuitive guidance system and wind magic. Learn more here. https://thepracticalshaman.com/creativity/ref/1549/
Gift to Sandra’s Community: Intuitive Offering (available until March 31, 2021):
Dr. Ai Suzuki, MD, MPH, PhD, is a Tokyo-based psychiatrist and a spiritual coach. She is also a student of myself and Dr. Brian Weiss. I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Ai at a Soul Retrieval Training in California. I fell in love with her graciousness and spiritual gifts. Under the situation that the COVID-19 pandemic goes on, she is currently making gifts to offer online individual/group spiritual coaching sessions internationally for people who support people suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic or related situation, such as medical professionals, healers, shamanic healers, therapists, coaches, teachers, spiritual teachers etc. Among them, this session is particularly helpful for people who take leadership in their field. She does notice how much the supporters are drained and need support for themselves to keep helping. They need positive energy to rejuvenate themselves. There is no charge. She just wants to help.
Contact (English and Japanese are available.) :
***Please note***
The gifts are meant to empower people who help others in order for them to continue their precious work with joy. So, if a person seeks personal healing only, she recommends the person to seek shamanic healers, instead of contacting her to receive the gifts. Also, the gifts are not meant for treatment. Because she wants to make a gift for as many people as possible, one session/person is gifted.
Anne Morgan is a dear friend and amazing shamanic healer and teacher. She is giving back for this precious gift of life by revising her website (see" Paths to Healing" at : http://annebmorgan.com ) and by creating a dedicated Youtube channel to inspire others on their healing journey. The Youtube videos are incorporated as links in the website.
It’s all free, and meant to help anyone on their healing path, for ANY diagnosis, not just cancers (pain and depression, for example). Truly anyone on a healing journey.
The images and videos from gratitude walks first began with the very first good news from the Mayo in January 2019- the latest walks are from June 2020.
The YouTube channel includes the gratitude walks and over 28 short videos on healing insights ranging from Practical Advice to the power of Determination and a Positive Attitude, Miracles in Nature (with many more to come). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLZs_SPaz1uRNfHNjG2wW4A/videos.
It may also help family members and friends heal from their loss, as my collaborator Meg describes at:: http://annebmorgan.com/friendship-and-healing/
"Sacred Art, is art created by Divine forces greater than ourselves” - Imelda Almqvist
SACRED ART is in-spirited work created for ceremony or for personal healing. These elemental tools remind you that nature speaks all languages and is a wisdom keeper of gratitude, balance and direct connection with our true source.
Drum Designs bring your unique intention to the frequency of this ancient tool. The drum is the heartbeat, the life blood of Mother Earth and vibrates the cosmic forces we move in harmony with through the cycles of time. Desiree also makes rattles, prayer sticks, amulets, and chokers.
Her work is really beautiful. I have known Desiree for a long time now, and she is brilliant at everything she does.
Visit website: https://www.desireedemars.com/sacred-art-2/
Copyright 2020 Sandra Ingerman. Překlad Petr Němčanský. All rights reserved.