December Transmutation News 2020 Download printable version
We are definitely moving forward to a new year. I would not dare to try to make a prediction for the coming year. I was responding to a post on Facebook and this magic sentence typed through my fingers.
“The world outside seems smaller when you grow from within”. This is certainly a time to grow bigger within to help you withdraw some of your attention away from the true madness.
I was looking for a file in November, and I came across an old Transmutation News with the perfect message to end our year on. Here is what I wrote:
Transmutation News October 2017
We continue to hold all of life in our hearts who are being impacted by storms, fires, and earthquakes. We continue to see all in their divine strength having the tools to navigate the changes. And to all of life that died in these catastrophic events we thank you for gracing the Earth with your presence and wish you a smooth and graceful journey home. Remember one of the keys of our work is not trying to change the weather and join the ranks of humans who feel they can control Mother Nature. Instead we need to perform our spiritual work and live a life of honor and respect for all of life. And then using the principle of reciprocity the Earth will respond in kind. In September, during a session of my teleconferencing course on the Shift Network, I taught how to merge with a helping spirit to see the world out of the eyes of spirit instead of through the eyes of ego. As a demonstration of how to merge with a helping spirit, I brought through the Goddess Isis. I had asked Isis to speak to the group about the topic of suffering. For it seems that so many friends are students have lost hope, feel stuck in gazing upon so much suffering and poor behavior by humans towards each other and all of life. Practitioners of a variety of spiritual practices are losing hope and focus. I felt that the message Isis shared was a powerful one, and I wanted to share it with all of you in case it speaks to you and touches you on some level. I am sharing only the core of her message: “There are an abundance of planets and dimensions where spirits incarnate to learn and evolve. Here on Earth you were born to experience love, light, and joy, But the lesson was to first experience suffering and then to be able to reach beyond that dimension where inside of you (not outside of you) there is an inner sense of love and joy. Actually, joy is not the correct vibration for in reality it is bliss that your spirit feels. In your world, teachers, including your own, encourage you to open your heart to the spirit of love. But this teaching is not correct on the level of heart that you are being asked to connect with. For the focus has been on your physical heart which is simply part of your ego. And so many of you are experiencing and seeing suffering which on an evolutionally level is expanding your sense of compassion. It takes you so deep into your humanness. But you are still trapped in the energy, vibration, and frequency of suffering and that is the energy you are feeding in the world. And by carrying the energy of suffering so many people are becoming ill. You are now literally and metaphorically being cracked open to the deepest place within where all the knowledge and wisdom is waiting for you to learn from as you touch deeper into your humanness. Behind your physical heart is a spiritual heart. You do not have to travel that deeply within to connect with it. It is talked about by many gurus, mystics, and spiritual teachers. And this spiritual heart – one with Source and the joy, bliss, and unconditional love for all of life and creation knows no suffering. It knows bliss, it knows unconditional love, but has no experience of suffering on this Earth. In the Land of Dreams I see millions of egos dreaming the illusion you are seeing as it is being created again and again on Earth. Shift out of this Land of Dreams to where evolved spiritual beings are dreaming joy and love into the world. You are caught and trapped in your ego. Transcend into a dimensional reality situated beyond your ego to your spiritual heart which is only experiencing eternal joy, bliss, unconditional love, and the light of Source. You are in a new time and new evolution on Earth. Drop your current role in the play of life. Step into the life of an awakened spiritual being. You keep trying to raise your vibration and frequency when you need to work from a higher vibration and frequency. I hold you in my arms and say you do have more choices than you know. You can shift to a higher level of consciousness.” This month listen to some shamanic music or meditative music or spend some time in nature. Imagine traveling right behind your physical heart to your spiritual heart. It is the place where divine love, light, and bliss emanate from. Bring your burdens to your spiritual heart and experience how quickly they are transmuted and transformed into light. Perform your transfiguration work and radiate light from your spiritual heart. Be a presence of love as your heart emanates pure and non- personal unconditional love. In past issues of the Transmutation News I have shared the exercise of traveling to the Land of Dreams as I wrote about it in my book Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life. You can perform a journey or meditation and ask to be taken to the Land of Dreams where an evolved spiritual community of people from all over the world are focusing their daydreams only on experiencing the most positive, beautiful, and awe inspired dreams for the planet. Take your place among this circle of dreamers, and do your work.
The winter solstice arrives December 21 with lots more teachings and opportunities to grow from within.
On the solstice go out to a park or a favorite piece of land. Open up all your senses and take in the beauty of nature. Feel your love for life, the exquisite nature beings we share the Earth with, and with Gaia herself.
As you lie down on the earth imagine your heartbeat connecting with your home which is billions of years old. Take that feeling deep into your body. When I do this, I cannot even wrap my mind around the depth of this ancient connection.
Feel the wind or gentle breeze around you. As the wind kisses your cheek feel the depth of your relationship with the living being we call Air which is the first life form on this earth. And this being which is billions of years old stopped by to kiss your check or play with your hair.
If you are by a body of water dip your feet or hands into and imagine connecting to the primordial sea. Notice if this ancient being which is also billions of years old has a message for you. If you are not by water, you can do this as a shamanic journey or a meditation.
And then absorb the power of the sun, the moon, the stars- think about how long they have been shining on all of life. And now they are shining on you. Feel the passion of the ancient fire burning deep inside Mother Earth. Is your inner fire burning to meet the ancientness of this powerful element?
Really sink into the timeless reality we live in. We are inhabiting Earth for such a short amount of time.
First really feel the power of your relationship, the love, and support of these ancient beings. It is really beyond anything we can grasp mentally if you really allow yourself to open up your cellular awareness and feel your connection.
Now reflect on why you are here. You are here for such a tiny amount of time. What do you want to do with this time on Earth? And reflect on one simple life change you can make to lighten your footprint on Gaia.
Feel love for all of life, forgive yourself for anything that needs to be forgiven, and honor your ancient connections with the elements as well as honoring your ancestors and the ancient ones who lived here. All the phases of life we are observing now have all been experienced many times before in Earth’s history. Imagine the stories the ancient ones can tell you. Ask them for a simple lifestyle change you can make that will lead to positive changes over time.
This is the greatest gift you can give Gaia. And as you are willing to embrace the love of the elements and ancient ones you gift yourself and all of life.
Wishing you a beautiful solstice into winter or summer!
The full moon is December 29. This is our sacred time of coming together as a large community to flood the collective with light and love for that is how unwanted energies are removed. This is not the time to sit down in the dark. We must keep moving forward.
Stand up and drum, rattle, dance, and sing. Travel within to your inner starlight and shine like the brightest star in the sky.
If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please read Creating A Human Web of Light on the homepage.
As I wrote last month, I will continue to write The Transmutation News in the format we have now. And the columns are so generously translated into many languages.
To add to the offering each month I will prerecord either a journey for us to do together or a guided ceremony. Sylvia Edwards has agreed to record the offerings on Zoom and a link will be posted.
After time goes by, I will invite teachers listed on to record an offering. Their work is brilliant, and I want to introduce them to you. So at some point we will rotate. But I will do most of the recordings.
To be clear there will be one recorded journey or ceremony per month.
Then the exciting news is Sylvia and I started a new Facebook page just for our global circle. The Facebook page name is Shaman’s Are Gardeners of Energy. If you have been reading the column you know this became my favorite teaching The Ancient Ones shared with me.
If you want to join click on this link:
There is a question to join. The answer is Transfiguration.
This Facebook group is only open to people on my email list who have been in this circle.
The focus of this new Facebook page Shaman’s Are Gardeners of Energy is to flood the collective and Nature with reverence, prayer, unconditional love, and light. Light is the highest frequency we can work with.
If your post does not reflect a positive attitude, honor, and reverence it will be removed. What will happen to our circle if we immerse ourselves in the same consciousness we want to live? Do you want to get lost in the noise or experience another choice; another way to live our lives?
I am very excited that we have a format to do some powerful work together and share it!
And as we are cycling into the end of the year, I want to thank Sylvia Edwards for her continuous help with helping me get the work into the world! She is truly a gift to this planet. Sylvia always has a way of staying positive, inspirational, and in a sacred space.
Please join me in thanking Sylvia and all our translators for their generous offering. There is so much time and effort that goes into the translations. Let’s hold them in love and light.
Petr Němčanský - Czech Carole Laplante - French Catherine Meyer - French Bea Salgado – French Barbara Gramlich - German Astrid Johnen - German Nello Ceccon - Italian Flavia Cavallaro - Italian Miha Masuda - Japanese Ai Suzuki - Japanese Els de Graaff - Nederlands Sandra Koning – Nederlands Sofia Frazoa - Portuguese Tatiana Starikova - Russian Ines Fermoso - Spanish Lena Anderheim – Swedish Simin Uysal - Turkish
I am still in love with working with Renee Baribeau on our weekly podcast The Shamans Cave. Join us by subscribing on
And please help to support my work by buying or referring others to my books and audio programs. They are so helpful for our times. Walking in Light and The Book of Ceremony are filled with tools to help us stay on the path!
Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.
During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is We also have a section for online courses:
I really miss teaching workshops at retreat centers. And I was hoping to teach physical workshops this year. But obviously that was not possible.
A couple of years ago I taught my all time favorite online course to teach. This was a course on building strong relationships with nature. I decided to teach the course again. I will be teaching the course differently this time. Last time we mostly focused on emanating love and light with groups of nature beings.
This course will focus on learning from nature beings and the elements about how we can live and work together in community, how we are all interconnected and how we are caretakers of the Earth, simple ways we can make changes to create harmony between humans and nature. The level of illness people are experiencing show we are not nurturing the Earth or being nurtured by it. How do we correct this?
Of course we will have a lively Facebook to stay connected with our community. For creating stronger communities will be a theme of this course. And that is the strong point of my online courses is the community we create giving everyone a feeling of belonging.
By learning the language of Nature, we learn how to survive. It has taken human cultures thousands of years to learn the language of nature and how we are interconnected. We must create strong reciprocal relationships.
Without making lifestyle changes we will not see positive changes happening for all in the web of life. Shamans and mystics for tens of thousands of years have lit the way to work with powerful healing ceremonies to create true change and transformation. But we must increase the level of concentration, focus, and discipline needed to bring about positive change. The ancients say we can do this. But in today’s world the speed of life has increased to levels that have created a lot of stress and distraction. You cannot do remarkable spiritual work and be so distracted at the same time.
It is amazing how thousands of people who journey to the different species in nature keep getting the message that there is compassion for us as we grow into higher selves and evolve.
By communicating with multiple species, we have the ability to learn how to adapt to our current changes, honor and respect every being in nature, make necessary lifestyle changes, and learn how to design ceremonies that we can perform to be in service to the Earth.
In our seven weeks we will focus our work with communicating with life forms who have so many tools and help to offer us. And each week we will perform a different healing ceremony in behalf of places of the Earth that cause us deep concern.
Communicating with the beings of nature that live on the earth, the waters, and fly in the air, as well as with the elements themselves brings us deep wisdom at the same time filled with joy that comes from such a deep and precious connection.
I will also include how to bring children into the work.
I will of course send you registration information. But for now save the dates if you are interested. The seven-week course will start on February 2.
Fire Tenders Gathering (December) Your Light is Needed Now!
11th annual IAM Symposium. Share your light with the world, and tend to the fire during the darkest days of winter (Northern Hemisphere). All that is required from Fire Tender is to keep a light burning from 12/20 – 1/2. There will be daily presentations in the Wind Clan, plus an opening and closing ceremony. All events are recorded and sent to registered Fire Tenders. This event is Free to the Community.
Wind Work Teachers Training begins on February 6th.
The Wind Mastery course is a 10-month self-mastery program that will prepare you to bring ancient shamanic wisdom into your daily life and back to your community. This work will prepare you to do wind work healing, teach beginners classes, and walk-in balance in your business and life. Apply here:
Juniper Stokes is a bright new teacher on bringing in a wealth of new wisdom and innovations with her work.
Juniper recently launched Alchemessence, a line of botanical perfumes that has been a decade in the making. Formally trained in classical perfumery, Juniper also draws from alchemy and shamanism to create perfumes that not only delight the senses but act as catalysts for healing and awakening.
Learn more about Alchemessence perfumes at
For our German readers:
Es ist die Zeit des Wandels, den viele Urvölker prophezeit haben. Im Außen wird es immer ungemütlicher und du hast dir sicher schon häufiger die Frage gestellt, was du jetzt tun kannst. Es ist deine Aufgabe in diesen turbulenten Zeiten, wieder zu erinnern, wer du wirklich bist! Es ist die Zeit, dein Urwissen wieder zu entfalten und deinen Lebensplan zu aktivieren. Der Zeit des Wandels Summit ist da, um dich in die neue Zeit zu begleiten. Von und mit Hütern des alten Wissens, Priestern, Schamanen, Astrologen, Medien, Kräuterweisen, spirituellen Lehrern, Aufklärern, Menschen der neuen Zeit. In diesem Kongress kannst du tief in das alte Wissen und Mystiken der Urkulturen tauchen. So kannst du das Urwissen, was auch in dir ist, wieder aktivieren. Bereite dich mit diesem Summit auf die neue Zeit vor – denn wir kreieren sie gemeinsam! Zeit des Wandels – Das alte Wissen kehrt zurück ist nicht nur ein Summit – es ist die lebensverändernde Reise zu dir selbst. Älteste, Weisheitshüter, Bewahrer des alten Wissens und viele mehr nehmen dich mit, in die Zeit des Wandels und das alte Wissen. Das Wissen, das alle Urkulturen lebten und in vielen Teilen der Welt bewahrten – für die heutige Zeit. Jetzt ist die Zeit gekommen, dass sich dieses Urwissen wieder entfalten kann. Das Wissen darüber, wie wir in Frieden und Harmonie leben können, das Wissen über deine innere Kraft und Lebensbestimmung. Melde dich dich hier an und erlebe wundervolle Interviews u. a. mit Neale Donald Walsch, Paramahansa Sri Swami Vishwananda, den Mayaältesten Nana Tomasa und Nana Sebastiana, Sandra Ingerman, Antonia Langsdorf, Pavlina Klemm, Clemens Kuby, Gabrielle Orr, Dr. Markus Strauß und vielen weiteren wunderbaren Menschen. Melde dich hier an und sei kostenfrei dabei:
Join bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss to discover how to safely connect with those on the Other Side through shamanic dream journeying — and your nighttime dreams — for healing, forgiveness, and mutual support.
You can register for Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side, here:
According to Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, at our core we’re all seeds, planted by none other than the Cosmos — and these times are our invitation to finally go through our powerful sprouting process...
Join Puma as he tells the Andean story of the hummingbird and the condor — and explains how it illustrates the ways we’re all being called to become part of a new consciousness and new humanity — in Andean Shamanic Rituals to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy: Glimpse Your Place in the Cosmos in an Empowering ‘Legend of the Hummingbird’ Meditation.
You can register here:
Copyright 2020 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.