Transmutation News February 2004
When we transfigure into our divinity, source, and light one of the effects is to experience a feeling of peace. These feelings of peace might carry on after our experience for some time. For many of us the chaos of life can easily disturb those peaceful feelings.
As it has been important for us to experience our light throughout the day, it is important for us to focus on staying centered and peaceful in ourselves.
I have had many conversations and received letters from friends and students all stating that they are looking for a more peaceful and balanced life in 2004. It seems like the world and life is spinning faster and faster. Time will not slow down for us until we slow it down ourselves. We will continue to get caught up in “the spin” until we find peace inside of ourselves. We tend to get caught up in life moving too quickly when we become dependent on the outside world for a sense of identity. When we can get still and peaceful and feel one with ourselves and our divinity we can step out of the chaos and spinning energy of the world today.
Throughout last year I wrote about how gifted shamans and healers eyes sparkle and hold a joy that we don’t see in many practitioners eyes today. That sparkle and light emanating from these healers comes from being in touch with their divinity and light. But it also comes from finding peace with themselves, the world, and their pain and suffering.
As we can find peace with what life brings us it allows us to emanate a state of peace once again changing the field of energy in the world. I am not saying that we should stop focusing on creating changes in our lives. But I do feel there is a delicate balance of actively manifesting our dreams while at the same time finding peace with what is.
In Chapter 6 of Medicine for the Earth I wrote a section on the power of putting one’s attention on an issue. It is a nice idea that we can create a feeling of inner peace that will last throughout the day. But some of you might not know the steps of how to get there. One way that I have found helpful is to hold the intention. As I hold the intention and keep my prayers focused on wanting to create a state of being into my life, I find over time I do notice shifts in a positive direction.
In December we began to dream into being the world we want to live in. Part of this requires rescultping our inner world. We want to add to our regular transfiguration practice the intention to also maintain a state of inner peace.
Some of you perform spiritual practice for your own enlightenment, growth, and evolution. Whatever practice changes ourselves will naturally affect the web of life. I wrote about this last month.
Some of you also want to be actively affecting others in the world. Those of you who are in some helping profession are actively trying to help others to shift their awareness. And as we know teaching, healing, and serving comes in many forms. We all can affect people around us no matter the profession we are in.
As I have stated during the last year many people are asleep right now. The trance is very deep and people are kept in this trance by very powerful and controlling forces.
I do not believe that words and preaching to others is a way to wake people up. Your words might stir people a bit, but the lure of sleep is too strong to really wake people. I believe the way to wake people up is by showing through example the rewards and what is to be gained.
If people around you notice you are healthy, happy, “glowing”, and you carry the energy of peace in your being they will want to learn about what you are up to.
If your garden, land, houseplants emit a quality of health and growth people around you and in your community will want to know what you are doing.
If your house, apartment, or office emits an energy of peace, serenity, and life and soul affecting those who enter your space, a desire for knowledge becomes stronger.
If you only preach to people about spiritual concepts it doesn’t provide enough incentive to create momentum in the sleep and apathy that society supports.
This month attempt to bring the light, energy, and peace stimulated by your spiritual practice more into your daily life. The more you “shine” and seem happy and peaceful the more curious people around you become about who you are and what you are doing. Let’s focus our energies on giving people a reason to want to change.
The work toward emanating light and peace through your own being is called “The Great Work” in alchemy. Remember it is the light within which connects us all. Experiencing your light and a state of peace as much as you can throughout the day will be the daily ceremony we perform together as a global community this month. Continue to be in a state of love and appreciation. Reframe your problematic experiences so you see the beauty. Be in a state of appreciation for all you are being given – food, water, air, sunlight, the people who cross your path and life situations.
Let’s make every day in February a ceremony.
I have finally decided to take advantage of the internet to list shamanic practitioners who have trained with me who perform soul retrievals and other shamanic healing methods. Up to this point people have had to write me to obtain a list of local practitioners.
As I have announced in past Transmutation News I now have a website that lists local shamanic teachers. There is now a section on that website that lists practitioners. The list is not totally complete as I am still waiting to hear from some of the shamanic practitioners I have sent letters to. But there are many practitioners listed now.
Some of the practitioners in Europe chose not to be listed on the website. So for a list of all the practitioners in Europe people still have to write me or email Ruth Aber at If you email Ruth for a list you need to include the country you are looking for practitioners in.
I have been a fan of Alex Grey’s artwork since I was introduced to it a few years ago. Alex Grey’s unique series of 21 life-sized paintings, the Sacred Mirrors, take the viewer on a journey toward their own divine nature by examining, in detail, the body, mind, and spirit.
His most recent book Transfigurations is Alex Grey’s second large format monograph containing over 300 color and black and white images of his work.
He has two websites you might want to check out: and
He is working on creating a Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in New York. I have been trying to support his project and one way I can do this is by letting you know about his websites.
I know many of you are familiar with Alex Grey’s artwork and hope you will visit his websites and see what he is up to.
I am delighted to announce the formation of The Society for Shamanic Practitioners.
The society of shamanic practitioners represents individual healers using shamanic skills to heal the spiritual aspect of illness. The society, which respects all traditions and approaches to shamanic practice, will facilitate dialogue fostering the exchange of experience and learning applicable skills for contemporary clinicians of all types. The society exists to nurture the individual walking this as a chosen path; and to this end supports the reemergence of healing by shifting consciousness away from the mechanistic and toward our core spiritual essence.
Founding Board Members Tom Cowan Alan Davis, MD Sandra Ingerman, MA Greg Miller, DO Carol Proudfoot Ed Tick, PhD
Advisory Board Angeles Arrien PhD Jeanne Achterberg, PhD
Executive Director Bonnie Horrigan
While still in the formation stages, the society plans to have a website, annual meeting, e-newsletter, an annual publication, a mentor program, a networking program, and case study database.
For more information or to receive a membership application please email or call Bonnie Horrigan at 760-634-4947.
A friend of mine recently wrote me and asked me if I ever considered working with an editor to clean up some of my writing on the Transmutation News. Although I love to write and enjoy writing the Transmutation News I am aware that there are grammatical errors.
As I write the Transmutation News once a month in the midst of traveling and teaching it is not possible for me to also work with an editor. The time involved would not allow me to keep the Transmutation News going on a monthly basis.
So I do apologize for the lack of editing. I know how appreciative people are that I keep writing the Transmutation News and hope you can continue to read beyond my grammatical errors.
Please go to the Important Links Section of this site if you are looking to read the Transmutation News in German, French, Italian, or Slovakian.
February 6 is the full moon. Let’s weave our inner light, peace, and love into the web of light we continue to create around our great earth.