Notizie di Trasformazione Febbraio 2020 Scarica la versione stampabile
Stiamo provando tutti forti emozioni per la natura e per tutta la vita che stanno venendo distrutte dagli eventi climatici.
Siamo consapevoli che vi è distruzione e morte in molti luoghi di tutto il mondo. Ma l’evento più recente che sta squarciando i nostri cuori riguarda gli incendi in Australia.
Ho letto diversi dati statistici riguardo alla morte degli esseri viventi in Australia e non so quali siano esattamente i numeri accurati. Ho visto notizie che parlavano di 500.000 esseri naturali morti negli incendi. 8000 koala sono stati dichiarati morti fino a questo preciso istante in cui sto scrivendo l’articolo di questo mese.
Tutto ciò è tragico oltre ciò che la nostra mente e il nostro cuore possono anche solo immaginare.
Anch'io prego accanto a tutti voi affinché il fuoco possa essere contenuto.
Ne ho parlato recentemente durante la mia presentazione "I tre mondi nascosti" tenuta da Stephen Dinan e The Shift Network.
Lo sciamanesimo è una pratica basata sulla natura e, nelle culture sciamaniche, tutta la vita e gli elementi Terra, Aria, Acqua e Fuoco, sono la nostra famiglia. Ma quando non onoriamo, non rispettiamo o non agiamo con gentilezza verso gli altri esseri viventi ci sono delle conseguenze.
Terra, Aria, Acqua e Fuoco ci danno la vita. Nonostante questo, continuiamo a gettare tutti i nostri rifiuti tossici in questi stessi elementi che ci permettono di essere vivi. Sono esseri viventi e sono la nostra famiglia.
Nella nostra cultura continuiamo a ignorare la sacra pratica della reciprocità. Tutti voi che leggete questa rubrica siete consapevoli intuitivamente e dentro il vostro cuore che se onorassimo gli elementi che ci danno la vita, essi non reagirebbero così violentemente.
Tuttavia continuiamo a evitare di costruire con questi elementi una forte relazione basata sull’amore, provando invece a unire un numero abbastanza consistente di persone per provare a manipolarli in modo tale da poter controllare gli incendi, le acque durante le inondazioni, manipolare le tempeste, creare la pioggia e così via. Questo potrebbe avere un effetto miracoloso in un primo momento, ma in realtà è parte fondamentale del problema, poiché così facendo le persone non trovano la necessità di dover cambiare il modo in cui vivono le loro vite, in quanto sentono di poter manipolare la Natura invece di rispettarla.
Mi chiedo come cambierebbero le cose se stabilissimo una relazione con gli elementi nel rispetto reciproco. Dovete comprendere nel vostro cuore che tutto questo farebbe una differenza enorme. SIATENE CONSAPEVOLI.
E invece eccoci qui. I nostri cuori sono spezzati a causa di una perdita così grave.
Iniziamo a onorare gli elementi. Raccogliamo le nostre energie spirituali per aprire le linee di comunicazione con gli elementi, invece di unire semplicemente le forze per manipolarli. La natura non si farà manipolare.
Eseguiamo cerimonie di onorevole commiato per tutti gli esseri che hanno perso la vita. Ho scritto riguardo alle cerimonie di onorevole commiato ne Il Libro della Cerimonia: Invocare il Sacro nella Vita di Tutti i Giorni.
Connettetevi spiritualmente con le creature che hanno perso la vita. Ringraziatele per aver onorato la Terra e tutta la vita con la loro presenza, la loro bellezza e la loro forza.
Hanno contribuito tantissimo alla rete della vita e la loro perdita è devastante per tutti noi.
Auguriamo loro un viaggio di ritorno alla Fonte pieno di grazia, amore e luce.
Onoriamo tutti gli esseri che sono morti. Questo crea guarigione per tutta la vita. Emanate amore e luce a tutti coloro che hanno perso la vita.
Questo livello di coscienza in realtà consente a tutti noi di vivere più consapevolmente sulla Terra.
Connettetevi spiritualmente con la terra in cui vivete, con gli antenati compassionevoli sulla terra e con tutti gli esseri della natura compresi gli elementi. Emanate amore e luce ogni giorno e sentite come l'amore torni da voi.
La vita sulla Terra cambierà mentre lo facciamo. Questo LO SO con certezza!
La luna piena è il 23 di Febbraio. Riuniamo le nostre energie spirituali per mostrare a tutta la vita quanto onoriamo e amiamo tutto ciò che abita questa Terra insieme a noi. Durante questa luna piena, lasciamo che la nostra luce divina mantenga tutta la vita nell'amore e irradiamo questa luce dentro e attraverso la Terra.
Se siete nuovi lettori delle Notizie di Trasmutazione, vi invito a leggere "Creare una Rete Umana di Luce" sulla homepage per una descrizione delle nostre cerimonie di luna piena.
Manteniamo forte il nostro lavoro di trasfigurazione e percepiamo tutta la vita nella sua luce e forza divina. Non caricate gli altri esseri viventi con la vostra pietà.
I am delighted to announce The Book of Ceremony is now available in German. Erwecke Das Heilige is published by Ansata.
Please join Renee Baribeau and me on The Shamans Cave. It is an exciting opportunity for me to continue to share inspiration, shamanic practices and ceremonies. I hope you will subscribe.
The Shamans Cave has been a joyful and powerful way for me to continue teaching and contributing to the shamanic community. We are getting such powerful feedback and testimonials. People are just loving our show and finding it to be so helpful in finding good ways to navigate all that is occurring in such a time of change.
For more information on our podcast schedule, other details, and to watch our archived podcasts please visit: Tell your friends, family, and community members about our show and ask them to subscribe by visiting our website.
All my books and audio programs are filled with deep wisdom and helpful tools to improve the quality of your life and give wonderful suggestions of how we can be in greater service in the world.
To order my books and audio programs please visit:
The Ancient Practice of Shamanic Journeying:
Foundations for Accessing Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing
Please Note: I can imagine some of you wondering how this course is different from my Part 1 sold by The Shift Network. Part 1 was a combo of teaching shamanic journeying and my Medicine for the Earth work. It is brilliant course and still continues to attract so many people to take it.
This new course only focuses on shamanic journeying for I found in Part 1 people new to shamanic journeying simply had to catch up on foundational principles of journeying. This new course is devoted to the practice of shamanic journeying for those of you who want to learn this ancient and powerful practice and for experienced practitioners who would like to gather some more tools in teaching this work.
There seems to be an entirely new population of people stepping onto the powerful and mystical path of shamanism. Although shamanism is a way of life one of the foundational ceremonies is shamanic journeying to seek guidance and healing from healing, divine, compassionate spirits. To be able to journey to helping spirits is one of the roles of the shaman.
Although in the last few years I have been teaching shamanic journeying online I would now like to take a step back and offer more guidance of how to truly and deeply communicate with the divine spirits. They are waiting to help us. I will share how to step into the unseen realms with more strength and ability to expand our senses to embrace the wonders of traveling into the unseen realms in an embodied way.
To this end in February I will be teaching a new 7 week training on shamanic journeying. I will give more of an introduction to the work than I have in the past. I will focus more on preparation and how to greet the helping spirits so that you have such a strong relationship with the divine helping spirits and nature you will never need to ask others questions as your spirits are available to you at all times.
I will focus on the shamanic journey and not weave other material into the course as I have done in the past. In this way I can give participants solid education into the art of shamanic journeying so you can get guidance and healing for yourself as as well as how to divine guidance and perform healing for others including children, animals, and all of nature.
One of the benefits in The Shift Network courses is they create a Facebook page where we can share our insights, our challenges, ask for help as life brings us initiatory experiences that we need support with, and share ways to support our healing and that of the planet.
I see this course as a way to enter a new decade with a wealth of spiritual tools to help us navigate the changing times as well as a way to join together as a true supportive community.
For myself, after strong initiatory experiences, I review the basic foundation of shamanic journeying as a way to put me right again and connect back in deeper ways with my helping spirits. For sometimes our initiations can throw us off course when we need our spiritual connections more than ever. In this way this course can benefit all levels of experience with shamanic journeying.
First there was a free introductory call to discuss the opportunity we have to improve the quality of our lives and the lives of others by incorporating this successful practice which has been producing remarkable results for tens of thousands of years. Imagine you having the opportunity to step into this collective and field of energy with others from all over the globe.
To learn more about the course:
The Ancient Practice of Shamanic Journeying:
Foundations for Accessing Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing
please visit:
Join healer and my friend HeatherAsh Amara on January 29 as she introduces you to Toltec wisdom and walks you through each of the four chambers of the heart — Feeling, Story, Truth, and Intent — during a FREE video event, Discover the 4 Chambers of Your Warrior Heart: Toltec Practices to Untangle Your Old Story & Live From Your Truth.
The heart of HeatherAsh’s teachings stems from her long Toltec apprenticeship and teaching partnership with don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, and her teaching partnership with the Ruiz family.
I absolutely love heather’s new book The Warrior Heart Practice. It is filled with great tools to transform your old looping stories.
Register here:
Igniting the Worldwide Spiritual Wildfire We Need Now: A Call to Action
A Free Global Online Summit, Feb. 2- 7, 2020
For more info and to register:
During Feb. 2- 7, join me and 23 other featured speakers for the free global online summit called: Igniting the Worldwide Spiritual Wildfire We Need Now: A Call to Action. This Summit addresses the fact that we live in an extraordinary time–both exceptionally promising and radically uncertain. Yet as we dive into uncharted waters and move closer to a critical tipping point, we see a worldwide awakening beginning to catch fire. This Summit offers inspiration, healing, and empowering practical tools to anyone who is ready to courageously use their own light to help ignite a worldwide spiritual wildfire. Together we can create a new world based in compassion, wisdom, justice, and joy.
For more info and to register:
I met Michael Beckwith many years ago at the Wake Up Festival sponsored by Sounds True. I love his energy and his heart. He taught a workshop through the Shift Network I wanted to sign up for, but I never got around to it. Now I have learned the Shift Network is selling his course as a evergreen course. This means you can buy it and listen at any time. I seem to be drawn to the course.
You may be ready to move beyond visualization and into living in a visioning state.
In a visioning state, you no longer need to “outpicture” your vision — instead, you radiate it because consciousness is guiding you to operate from the highest expression of yourself.
Bestselling author, spiritual teacher, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, Michael Bernard Beckwith, will help you move beyond the limits of visualization — to begin living as your vision.
You can reserve your FREE space for Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond: Discover 4 Frequencies of Consciousness to Radiate Your Soul’s Calling here:
The link will bring to you a free introduction call where he talks about his work. I loved his intro call.
Byron Metcalf and Jennifer Grais have gifted us with another stunning CD to support your shamanic work.
“Sacrament: Ceremony or Ritual, Imparting Divine Grace”
In modern culture there are many ways to do sacred ceremony and to experience Sacrament. For those who pursue deep self-exploration, healing and transformation, this album can be used in a variety of ceremonial styles – from those that are explicitly shamanic in nature, to those which are contemplative, and to those which are plant based and entheogenic. The partaking of this sacrament invites the listener to experience Earth as the Mother of us all – to become whole.
You can order this CD from any sites or stores you buy music from.
Copyright 2020 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.