Transmutation News January, 2016 Download printable version
Let us join our hearts together to send everyone in our circle blessings as we cycle into a New Year.The image that came up for me in a journey was seeing us standing on a beach and looking out at a vast expanse of water. I felt ourselves connected to groups of ancient ones as they would begin a new adventure to explore new lands. I saw clear water that was calm. But yet I could hear the comforting lapping sound of the gentle waves. As I saw our global community on the beach together we were looking out at the new unknown territory ahead with a deep sense of faith and knowing that as we join together we can journey through all the smooth waters and challenges together from a place of strength. I saw the clear blue sky and the exquisite color of magenta as together we greet the rising sun.To end 2015, in the December Transmutation News, we started to create sacred space in the invisible realms where we can join together for our ceremonial work. I hope you have been visiting this place and leaving gifts and offerings to honor the helping spirits and the spirit of this place.I also posted some suggestions “Preparing for Ceremonial Work” to read on the site for the Transmutation News.Before proceeding with a short ceremony in the invisible realms I would like us to begin with doing some work in the sacred space and altar you have created in your home.Find a special glass or cup that you can fill with water. Place it on your altar. Leave it here for a few days while you keep your awareness on this sacred water you have sitting on your altar. As you do your tasks around your house and spend time at home make sure you are focusing on your spiritual practices that will create the kind of beautiful energy you want to make sure is feeding the water on your altar with love and light over the coming days.After a few days of letting your water be and sit, while being filled with loving energies, once again do your preparation work. Next sit with the water holding it in your hands while you transfigure into divine light and love.It does not matter if we all do this work on the same day together as the work we engage in with the practice of shamanism occurs outside of time.When you feel this water is simply beaming with light bring it outside to a place in nature that is special to you. If you live by a body of water let the water from your sacred cup fill this water with love and light. You can also feed the earth with the water that has been filled with light. Or you can offer it to the air. You can even offer it to a fire you might have built as you do a blessing ceremony to welcome in the New Year. By sharing the transfigured and sacred water with the elements you bless all of life.It is a good idea to always keep a glass of water on your altar. For water reflects back to us the nature of our soul. And by having water on our altar we are reminded that we want to share beauty in the world.Either before or after you bring your water outside join in the invisible realms in blessing our circle. Close your eyes and begin to travel into the invisible realms. Walk the path from the room you are journeying or meditating in. As last month you might find yourself walking down a path that is surrounded by tall, beautiful, strong, and healthy trees. The earth you walk on is fine and you are stepping on rich dark soil. You can feel your footsteps making an impression on the earth. As you walk you listen to the beauty of the sounds in nature and take in the exquisite fragrances shared by the local trees, plants, and air which gives us life. Is there grass growing? What other nature beings are in this place? You can even experience how the air tastes. Notice if there is a body of water in this place, and if you can hear running water. Feel the power of the sun as it is setting and the stars and moon above start to shine their beautiful light.As you walk feel your heartbeat and just notice what you are feeling. We have taken the time to open our hearts in love to each other. Feel your connection to a family of like minded souls who do everything possible to be in service to others and to the Earth. What does it feel like in your heart to be connected to such a community of like minded souls? And when we engage in ceremonial work how do you want to express your love, gratitude, and respect for each of us as well as the helping spirits who continue to partner with us in our work.As you continue to walk you arrive at a large clearing. Use your imagination to see, feel, hear, smell, taste all that is around you in this clearing. Step fully into this clearing rather than watching your journey/meditation/daydream as if it was a movie. Be here now. Give thanks to all the helping spirits you continue to work with who are now also part of our circle.As you enter the clearing you will be met by a guardian spirit who will cleanse you on a spiritual level. This compassionate spirit might cleanse you with incense, or a feather, or sing over you, or touch your hair, or whisper a message into your ear. Be open and know these are helping spirits who wish to help you feel unburdened by your ordinary thoughts and concerns.Once you have been cleansed step into the clearing and visit the altar we created last month.Let us stand together around the altar and drum and sing to honor each other and this sacred space. Notice at the altar there are glasses of sacred water filled with all the light and love of our circle. Let us lift our glasses and toast each other and all of life as we wish all a happy New Year. Slowly drink the water and feel yourself filled with strength, love and light and absorbing the energy into all your cells as we look forward to exploring the new landscape of this new year.Say goodbye to our group, the sacred fire we worked at last month that continues to burn strong. This fire is always here in this sacred space for us to visit to release any beliefs or hurts we need to transform. Or you can bring our dreams and blessings to the fire knowing it will carry your prayers to the loving arms of the universe. Say good bye and thank all the elements and helping spirits. Let the helping spirits know our work is done for now.Walking down the same path that you took to arrive at this place return to the room you are in now.Open your eyes and feel yourself deeply rooted to the Earth, and take a few deep grounding breaths. You are back fully filled with radiance and the blessings of our circle.The full moon is January 24. Each full moon we want to continue to weave within and throughout the Earth a beautiful and radiant web of light. Perform your preparation practices and join our circle in a transfigured state and let our light flow and radiate. Imagine ribbons of light of rainbow colors lighting up our great planet and blessing all of life.If you are a new reader to the Transmutation News please read “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage of this site.True shamans never shy away from any challenges. Let us greet this New Year with the knowledge that we can participate fully in the changes ahead. We have to be strong and present to our work. We must take action and stand together in unity and love with each other. We rest and celebrate in the smooth waters, and we work hard together as a community when the waters get stormy.Happy New Year!Announcements:To order my books Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life, Speaking with Nature: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth (co-written with Llyn Roberts), my CD “Shamanic Visioning Music: Taiko Drum Journeys”, “The Spirit of Healing” or any of my other books and CD programs, the Transmutation App (now available for both Apple and Android devices) please visit: On January I begin teaching Part 1 of my teleconferencing course through the Shift Network “Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing: Opening to Love, Beauty, and Wisdom Through Sacred Ceremony and Community”. I love teaching this course and the date of the course will begin in January 5 and will be taught weekly for seven weeks.What especially excites me about teaching this course is the ability to create an interactive community. It is not just a community who we can share our journeys with. But it is a community that we perform transformational ceremonies with. We have the opportunity to talk to each other and share on an ongoing basis our work and what is happening through our work through a forum that is set up on Facebook. I stay full engaged in the forum.I have felt so connected to people around the world who joined together in my previous courses. We had the opportunity to support each other during challenging times, be inspired by each other’s spiritual experiences and messages from helping spirits, feel a sense of true strength, love, companionship, and experience true unconditional compassion as we traveled unknown waters together on both a personal and collective level.I think it says a lot that many who took this course with me last year have signed up for it again. For the power of community we created was so strong people felt so enriched they want to continue being part of such an empowering circle.I am so looking forward to creating sacred space again with the new group that will join together in the invisible realms. Some people choose to be very interactive through Facebook and the break out sessions created during our work. Some people choose to immerse themselves in the work and continue to integrate the work on their own without interacting on Facebook. No matter how people choose to engage it is such an amazing experience to feel the power of performing the ceremonies together and being part of such a loving and caring community.I look forward to being a voice of inspiration each week. For the challenges we are facing are increasing on an exponential level. Receiving guidance and healing from our helping spirits through journeying and performing ceremony creates a roadmap that helps to light our path and to help us keep centered so that we can remain healthy and continue to be in service. Being part of a strong community is a way to feel strength as we walk through life’s initiations. Working together in unity is a way to actively engage in the invisible realms as shamans have done for thousands of years to be artisans of new forms to replace those that no longer serve us personally and collectively. I hope you will join in the collective created during this powerful course. To register and for more information please visit: As I have been sharing these last few months in 2016 I am offering a limited number of workshops. I am in the middle of teaching two Teacher Trainings. And until my Teacher Trainings are complete at the end of 2016 I cannot add much to my teaching schedule.I am teaching a Five Day Soul Retrieval Training in Joshua Tree, California October of 2016. We already have a quite a number of participants signed up. The workshop is really filling up and we only have a limited number of spaces left.There is a prerequisite of a certain level of shamanic journey skills that are required before you are ready to learn soul retrieval as I teach it. You can find a local teacher to work with on who can teach you what you need to learn for this course.Also those who have completed the online course “Experiencing the Shamanic Journey” through Sounds True and those who completed Part 1 and 2 of my Shift Network teleconferencing classes are all very prepared for the Soul Retrieval Training and will count as a prerequisite.Celeste Boals wrote a really sweet shamanic book for children titled: Pop! Here Comes The Sun! It is about the Sun’s relationship with the Earth and what that relationship means to kids. The unique story line follows ethnically diverse children through the cycles of both a day and a year at the same time. This book teaches children reverence for Mother Earth and all of her creatures; educates children about light, color, and energy; focuses kid’s attention on a more cosmic perspective of our existence; addresses the nature of consciousness; and broadly poses the question “is life just a dream?” Grade 2 reading level.Written and illustrated by Celeste Boals, Shamanic Practitioner, Art Educator Available at and