Transmutation News January 2017 Download printable version
Let us join our hearts together to wish everyone in our circle all the best for the New Year!
I know so many of you had a challenging year in 2016 and could not wait for it to be over. Well I feel like that myself. But the truth of the matter is the changing of the year does not mark the end of a cycle as time keeps moving on.
But from a shamanic point of view change happens through intention. So instead of waiting to see change happen magically, without taking any action, we can be more proactive with the work we do.
This is a time to reflect on the events in our lives and in the world that occurred in 2016. It is crucial to set your intention for what you would like to see manifest in your own life and in the world. And as we have been doing for years it is important for us to keep doing our dreaming work and keep strengthening our intention as well as standing strong in our collective so that we have more spiritual power to bring through from the invisible worlds to manifest our intentions and dreams in the outer world.
One of the complaints I hear from so many shamanic practitioners from around the world (including myself) is that we are overloaded by clients seeking help because they feel they have been cursed. When I examine this I think that in most cases (not all) people are feeling the negativity in the collective field of energy and feel that anger and hate is being directed at them. And on one level this anger and negativity is being directed to everyone because we are all connected. What gets sent to one person gets sent to all. I have written about this many times.
As we deepen our spiritual work we first learn how to set boundaries to distinguish what is the energy I am feeling from others or the collective and what is my own. And as we continue our spiritual work we can separate from the denser collective field and shift into the field that is holding a higher vibration filled with light and love.
I think with so much hate and anger being sent into the collective we really need to focus on clearing this energy up and transmuting and transforming it.
And of course this begins with us as what we feed grows. It is so important to perform our spiritual practices that help us return to our own center, express our feelings truthfully as we also make sure we are transforming the energy behind our emotions so we are being a light in the world.
This is the work I suggest we do to bring in the New Year.
Pick a day where you can perform some personal spiritual work. You might even decide to do this work with friends, family, or members in your community.
Travel within and experience a disappointment, a hurt, a betrayal, a fear, something you are angry about, a sabotaging belief, etc. that you are willing to sacrifice and let go of so that you are participating in the healing of the collective. You can certainly journey to your helping spirits to ask for some advice about what might be good to let go of at this time.
Next journey or meditate on a physical ceremony you can perform at home or in nature to release this challenging emotion or belief into an element – air, earth, water, or fire.
There is more power if you physically perform this ceremony rather than performing it in a journey or meditation. In performing a ceremony in ordinary reality you have to take physical action towards your own healing and that of the collective. It takes time and energy to do this which ends by being rewarded with powerful results.
As you release what you are letting go of remember to transmute the energy to light and love so you are not just releasing more negative energy into the elements. And if you burn something, or leave something on the earth, or release something into a body of water, or into air please remember to use only natural materials so that you are not polluting the environment. Use your imagination to guide you to a ceremony to perform and an object you can make that is empowered with what you are releasing.
I always have to state this or I get emails and letters from some readers. Having emotions is good. We came here as humans to experience a range of emotions from joy to hate and anger. I am not suggesting it is unhealthy to express your emotions, just transmute the energy behind your emotions so that what fills the collective is light and love that embraces all of life.
After you have performed your ceremony you want to journey or meditate to travel to the River of Life. Use your intention to find this place. Once you have arrived at the River of Life step into this healing, vital, and clean water. You might even come to a waterfall. Ask the River of Life to cleanse you so you feel you can begin again as we all welcome in the New Year. Once you feel complete step out of the river feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to step into the New Year leaving behind your old history that anchors you to the past.
We will be performing these journeys, meditations, and ceremonies in our own time, but time does not matter in doing shamanic work as we work outside of time. So the power of our global community doing this work during this month, when the time feels right, will create a tangible difference in the collective energies we are all connected to.
The full moon is on January 12. May you take the time to cleanse yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically before performing our full moon ceremony to create a human web of light. And from a place of newness and hope let us travel within to our exquisite spiritual light that shines like the stars above us or the sun that reminds us of the passion for life. Absorb that light throughout your body while your own frequency raises as you do this. And then let this light radiate out and connect with the light of our global community.
Imagine yourself as a giant star whose arms of flowing light reach all the way out to the ends of the Earth. The light coming out of your feet flows to the core of the Earth, and from your crown the light flows into the heavens. Let this light flow through you and radiate that light and love within and throughout the Earth.
For those of you who are new readers of the Transmutation News please read “Creating A Human Web of Light” on the homepage of this site for instructions to our full moon ceremony.
Carole Laplante is our new French translator. Let us join together to give her thanks for her generosity of spirit!
I wish everyone a good 2017 with the best that life has to offer!
To order my books Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life, Speaking with Nature: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth (co-written with Llyn Roberts), my CD “Shamanic Visioning Music: Taiko Drum Journeys”, “The Spirit of Healing” or any of my other books and CD programs, the Transmutation App (now available for both Apple and Android devices) please visit:
In 2017 I am taking a semi sabbatical from traveling to teach workshops. But I will continue my teaching through teleconferencing all throughout 2017. I just feel that it is a time for me to regenerate and also to revisit what I have been teaching. I have now been teaching shamanism for 35 years. The world is changing and my teaching needs to change. And I need some space and time to work with my helping spirits, spend time vision questing in nature, and tapping in my intuition on changes I need to make in my work to be in greater service.
Of course I will continue to write the Transmutation News.
I look forward to taking the Medicine for the Earth work to the next level in 2017. We can help our environment using spiritual methods!
Continue to check the Training section on the homepage of this site or check the Transmutation News to learn about the online courses and sessions I will teach through the Shift Network and Sounds True. Later on in the announcements I do share how you can sign up for my course through the Shift Network.
But first I wanted to share some wonderful books and an article you might want to check out.
I wanted to tell you about a beautiful and magical book written by Willy Petersen in Norway. The book is titled Nature Beings: The Magic of Nature. Willy has the ability to capture the magic of nature. His photos are a rare gift that help us open our imagination to experience a new sense of the aliveness and dimensions of life. Willy has trained in Qigong, Regression Therapy, and Shamanism. In his daily work, Willy is helping patients with mental and physical handicaps. You can buy Willy Pedersen’s book through Amazon.
Do you ever wonder why some people make it to the top despite the same upbringing and education? Looking to fine-tune your intuition? In this article by @JudiRheeAlloway, top woman innovator by the @USDOL, discover what can be holding you back from stepping into your power during these challenging times and doing your dharma, the work that you were meant to do.
Burt Kempner wrote such a sweet and touching children’s book titled The Five Fierce Tigers of Rosa Martinez: A Tale of Healing. In the book Rosa is instructed by her grandfather to call animal helpers to her when she is ill or hurt and needs help. When she becomes very ill the tigers who live inside of her go to work to perform a healing. This is an inspirational tale for children of all ages including us adults.
The book is illustrated by Stephanie Richoll and is available on Amazon.
For our German readers I am happy to announce the launch of "Bärenblut", a book written by Barbara Gramlich, with a foreword of mine, published by "Spiritbooks" in Germany.
In her book Barbara writes about the guidance by Spirit in her life, right down to the unfolding of the book itself, her amazing meetings with shamans in Africa and Siberia, in short about the mysticism of everyday life. Her message is clear: Stay realistic - expect miracles. It is brilliant book!
Shift Network courses and summit you might be interested in:
In 2017 I am beginning Part 1 of my teleconferencing course through the Shift Network “Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing: Opening to Love, Beauty, and Wisdom Through Sacred Ceremony and Community”. I love teaching this course and the date of the course will begin January 10 and will be taught weekly for seven weeks. It is a remarkable course. If you cannot participate live it does not matter. For each session is recorded for participants to listen to when they can. And since in shamanism we work outside of time it does not matter when you join in. The collective keeps building and the work continues outside of time.
I look forward to being a voice of inspiration each week. For the challenges we are facing are increasing on an exponential level. And shamanism and performing ceremony creates a roadmap that lights our path and helps us keep centered so that we can remain healthy and continue to be in service. I hope you will join in the collective created during this powerful course.
This is the third time I am offering this course through the Shift Network. Every course has been a great success with people signing up from all over the world. People continue to contact me to tell me what a life changing experience the work has been.
If you have already taken the course please help to spread the word to others who you feel would benefit from learning the art of shamanic journeying and being part of a global community performing ceremonies for personal healing and for the Earth each week.
I gave a free introductory lecture on shamanism and the power of ceremony on December 17. You can still listen to the call or use the link to register for the call to register for my class which begins January 10.
For more information click on:
And I will be teaching a Part 2 of this course in 2017.
Tap into the Shamanic Power of “Active Dreaming”
Free online event w/Robert Moss, Wednesday January 11th
For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to receive guidance, healing and transformation from all the levels and dimensions of reality.
Yet, you don’t need to be a shaman to explore your dreams in this way. The capacity for this type of time travel and wisdom seeking is available to all of us –– you merely need to know the approaches and practices that can take you there.
If you’d like to get a glimpse into how to explore dreaming as an opportunity to access profound guidance and understanding of your everyday life, as you travel beyond your personal self to dimensions that transcend time and space, then I have a very special invitation for you!
On Wednesday, January 11, master dreamwork teacher Robert Moss will present a FREE online event: The Shamanic Power of Active Dreaming: Opening to Multidimensional Realities for Time Travel, Healing & Reality Creation.
You can register here:
During this hour-long mini-workshop, you’ll discover:
How consciousness can project safely beyond the body, open gates between the worlds – and close them when necessary
- How you can travel to cities of the imagination and other places of instruction, adventure and healing in non-ordinary reality — and how to read the signs of everyday life as a set of dream symbols
- To become a kairomancer (one who navigates by special moments of synchronicity), by developing the ability in your dreams to see what’s up ahead and make better decisions about your life
You can RSVP for free here:
Robert Moss is the bestselling author of over a dozen books on dreaming and a brilliant dreamwork teacher. During this free online event, he’ll share fascinating stories that will bend your notions of time, space, identity and causality. He’ll guide you in opening to your dreams’ ability to reveal guidance and greater awareness of the deeper causes in your life. And he’ll share core principles and practices for “Active Dreaming,” which synthesizes ancient shamanic practices with modern dream science and spiritual disciplines from around the world.
Register now (and even if you can’t attend live, you’ll receive a downloadable replay later):
Here is one more Shift Network event some of you might be interested in:
Winter of Wellness 2017
The Winter of Wellness, is a health, healing and wellness series taking place January 11-February 8, with today’s top health experts — including David Wolfe, Donna Eden, David Crow, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Gregg Braden, Sue Morter, Alberto Villoldo, Reef Karim, Crystal Jones, Bernie Siegel, Anita Mckenzie, Mingtong Gu, Dawson Church, Ocean Robbins, Dr. Kellyann Petrucci and more.
RSVP here for Winter of Wellness — at no charge:
And, when you join Winter of Wellness, you’ll discover innovative solutions to your most pressing health concerns.Here’s a snapshot of what just a few of our wellness experts will be sharing with you:
- David Wolfe addresses the common link between most illnesses.
- Donna Eden shares simple energy medicine techniques to improve your health.
- David Crow reveals what health benefits can be derived from the simple rose.
- Dr. Joan Borysenko highlights the intersection of neuroscience and spirituality.
- Gregg Braden illuminates a powerful form of prayer, lost centuries ago, as the key to your healing today.
- Dr. Kellyann Petrucci shares her bestselling bone broth recipes to help YOU burn fat, reduce inflammation, heal your gut, and more.
- And if you’re a healing practitioner or a coach yourself, you’ll tap into a diverse array of techniques and resources, during this comprehensive series, to support you in your work with clients and patients.
Copyright 2017 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.