July Transmutation News 2020 Download printable version
I have found myself really drawing inward and just feeling a need to be quiet during these times. All the turbulence we are seeing is all part of the dissolution of life as we know it.
Protesting is so important to express our cries for justice, fairness, equality, and kindness. I had my years of being a passionate protester. My health no longer supports that kind of action in the world.
But I fully believe in the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work. Shamanism provides every tool and all the guidance we need to find our flow, what we are called to do and change, and the importance of keeping up our ceremonies.
We are all being pushed to the wall to do our spiritual work and focus on it completely.
I am spending as much time as possible in silence, holding space for the collective, and doing the spiritual work I have been teaching over the decades. I am amazed at the deep levels of silence I am being called to.
What does break my heart is to see the division in the spiritual community growing. I have actually been talking about this division for forty years, and I am watching the limits of the division stretch so much there might not be a point of return. We might simply dissolve into different dimensions of how we see and live spiritual work. There are so many different perspectives on life when you look out of the eyes of Spirit while so many are still looking out of the eyes of ego.
I choose to stay on the path that brings me to the levels of consciousness I have been reaching for with my ceremonial and transfiguration work.
With the last few online courses I taught for the Shift Network I really did step out of some unhealthy fields of energy, and I am building new radiant fields to step into with my practices.
About a year ago I invited our circle to share inspirational stories. Here is one that Nancy shared with me. I asked her permission to share it with you. I love the part about “you got the story wrong……”
“Dear Sandra,
The drumming group, met via zoom last night and I had a lovely journey that I wanted to share with you. It seemed to continue from an image I received late last year of standing, looking into a huge wave that had paused before breaking, and being told to look through the wave.
This journey began with a large group of people - I think representing all people - laying on our backs on the ground. "Yes, the wave has hit," I was told. We were not hurt, just flattened and our bodies were arranged geometrically (It reminded me of the pattern of synchronized swimmers or the June Tailor Dancers viewed from above in their formations). Slowly, we settled into the ground beneath us until our chests were at ground level.
As we lay there, the water began to move gently around us, to soothe us. The sun shone down on us to warm us and nourish us. I began to see a sprout growing out from my heart and thought it was a message of us each having something new that would emerge, but was told to be patient.
Over the next few minutes. sprouts began to emerge from our finger and toes, mouths and throats, foreheads and bellies. Though they were very small, every person knew that some were fruit trees and others conifers, some were vegetables and others flowers, and still other grasses and clovers... Each sprout carried its own fulfillment and would in time grow and ripen.
Then the message came. "You have the story wrong. You think that you were placed in The Garden, and then you were forced to leave it behind. You ARE the Garden. From your being emerges the flourishing of the Earth. You are the soil through which creation brings forth new life. Earth sustains you all.
It was an amazing experience of deeper connection with the Earth and All Living Beings than I have ever had before. I knew that you would enjoy hearing about it.
As I do ceremonies of honorable closure, I am lifted by witnessing the beauty and blessing of each life as it lifts from Earth to return to the Source of Light and Life. I have begun adding at the end of the ritual an expression of deep gratitude to all the living beings who are willing to remain here during these difficult times. I am so grateful that you remain with us. Your presence here is wondrous encouragement and wisdom.”
The full moon is July 5. This is a time where we can really contribute to healing our collective and bringing light into the darkness. But the work will not be successful if you work from your mind versus the deepest reaches of your soul and spirit. Please do your preparation work to move your ego out of the way. Your spirit is pure radiant light with the power to transform everything your light touches. So shine your light within and throughout this great Earth!
If you are a new reader of The Transmutation News please read Creating a Human Web of Light as well as How to Prepare for Ceremonial Work on the homepage.
Due to the times we are living in I am sharing workshops that teachers I love and respect are offering. I wanted to let you know of the wealth of offerings.
During this exceptional time and the need for social distancing the teachers and practitioners I trained are offering virtual circles and courses and are adding more during this time. The circle link is https://www.shamanicteachers.com/shamanic-circles/. We also have a section for online courses: https://www.shamanicteachers.com/online-telephone-workshops/.
All my books and audio programs are filled with deep wisdom and helpful tools to improve the quality of your life and give wonderful suggestions of how we can be in greater service in the world. They are filled with tools to spiritually ride the waves of this time.
To order my books and audio programs please visit:
Please join Renee Baribeau and me on The Shamans Cave. It is an exciting opportunity for me to continue to share inspiration, shamanic practices and ceremonies. I hope you will subscribe.
For more information on our podcast schedule, other details, and to watch our archived podcasts please visit: https://ShamansTV.com
Join bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss for a free online event to discover how you can use your dreamtime to call on helpful allies and create imaginal realms filled with comfort, healing, and renewal.
You can register for Heal Your Life in the Dreamtime: Create Sanctuaries, Overcome Nightmares & Call on Soul Allies With Shamanic Dreaming here: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/hldSI/ingerman/
You’ll discover how to use your dreams as portals to places of healing, initiation, and transformation in a deeper reality.
Join author and music therapist Christine Stevens to discover the flute as one of the most accessible instruments to play — for sound healing, self-expression, mindfulness, prayer, breathwork, connection to nature and Spirit, and personal transformation.
You can register for The Flute as Sound Medicine to Open Your Heart & Expand Your World: A Musical Prayer and Ceremony for Peace, Transformation & Awakening, here: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/fsmSI/ingerman/
No musical experience — or flute — is necessary... just a willingness to open to spontaneous feelings of liberation, joy, and self-expression.
Here is a course Jane Burns is teaching. We are friends, and she is an amazing teacher. There is much to be learned from Celtic shamanism to help us through these challenging times — ways of being that provide a more conscious, ensouled, heart-centered path forward, and that strengthen our connection to all the planet’s beings while also benefiting the greater community.
Shamanic teacher and practitioner Jane Burns will share insights into the virtues — like presence, courage, generosity, wisdom, and peace — exemplified in Celtic stories and honed by the Celtic people in their own lives.
You can register for Celtic Virtues & Shamanic Ways for a Conscious, Grounded, Heartfelt Life, here:
Upcoming New Online Course:
People’s lives have been changed in a positive way from doing the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light work. And students continue to communicate with me via email and through social media that they cannot tell me how well they are riding the current wave of change we are in ways that they feel calm yet empowered. They are just loving engaging in the practices daily.
In the Spiritual Immunity course I taught for the Shift Network we had people from all over the world and walks of life dealing with he fear and anger around the Covid in their own way. We even had some doctors and nurses working in hospitals who loved the circle created as they had a had a safe haven to come to for rest, and they gained tools to bring to their co-workers and patients.
We were flooded with comments of how much this course helped during the time we are in.
I could not imagine ending this course. This will be a continuation of the Spiritual Immunity Course. The Goddess Isis came to me said, “This is what we need for this time. This is what people need who just went through this period." It's going to be a course on walking through the dark night of the soul. I don't want to share my whole life story with you, I just want to say I had my initiation into shamanism at the age of seven when I was hit by lightening. A priest who I really trust said that I was called too early and I was called too early because I had no elders. My life has been one shamanic initiation after another, one painful initiation after another. I've been in more dark nights of the soul than most people have. But what I've learned is that the dark night of the soul is the portal into living a different dimension of life.
I am going to walk participants through, and we will go through it together. We're going to find during the dark night of the soul, who do you stay away from? And what are your tools? We'll be working with nature again because I know how much the group loves nature. We'll be working with every tool that I know this group loves, but we will travel through some very intense times to release all the layers that are stopping us from moving through that portal into another dimension of life. You're staying right here, but you're dying in this lifetime, which we've all been doing through this period, but we complete it. We go through a portal into another dimension of life where we have an experience of beauty, we have an experience of joy and true connection with ourselves, others, our community, and all of nature.
In each module there will be an inspirational lecture from Sandra to help you move forward. And to learn that fear is an illusion and our spirit has the strength to carry you through everything. There will be journeys to nature beings, ceremonies, journeys to let go of old layers of past hurts that are weighing you down and created a hard shell, and journeys to fill with light.
In each module you will be fed with light and love. You might not feel it, but it is strengthening your spirit to carry you through. Each session there will be a closing ceremony to honor any challenging events we are experiencing on the planet, and to honor those beings who died. We will continue our work with transfiguration and transmutation.
And in most sessions Isis will merge with Sandra to give the group encouragement and invaluable information from the spirit world.
No matter what you are going through we will feed your Shaman’s Light each week.
Throughout the course Sandra and the Goddess Isis will be talking you through and providing safety nets so you have safe havens. This course is not about creating fear. It about teaching you how to get through powerful life-threatening initiations with a wealth of tools. The outcome of this course is to help you feel centered and strong in the midst of the unknown.
We have tough questions to embrace in this lifetime. Not a lot makes sense. Keeping to our spiritual practices and learning how to hold space reveals another side of life and brings comfort when nothing makes sense.
The introductory call for this course will be on July 25. And the course will begin August 11. This will be a nine-week course.
Once I have the information, I will share it with you.
Copyright 2020 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.