Transmutation News June 2004
I had a wonderful trip to Scotland and England. I presented Medicine for the Earth at a conference at Findhorn in Scotland, and I felt the audience was very grateful for the work.
It is always good for me to present at conferences outside of the U.S. to get an opportunity to meet and listen to presenters who I might not hear in the U.S. Marko Pogacnik was a presenter I had met before at a conference at Findhorn in Scotland four years ago. Marko was born and lives in Slovenia. He studied sculpting and acquired an international reputation in conceptual and land art. He has developed this further into “earth lithopuncture”, which aims at healing disturbed landscapes and power points. He leads seminars in earth healing in several countries and provides advice on landscape matters for communities and businesses. His website is As with the Transmutation News, he gives suggestions of spiritual practices we can do during these changing times.
Although Marko’s work is similar in principles to Medicine for the Earth he has a different way of working and viewing things. At the conference he reminded people to honor the mystery of what is happening with the earth and our environment. And that what is happening might not be an environmental crisis, but more as a process of the earth recycling because of the damage we have caused.
Marko and I hope at some point to do some teaching together. I think it would be interesting as he has such a different way of teaching although some of our messages are quite similar. I will continue to incubate this dream.
After leaving Findhorn and touring around a bit, I went to England to teach a training combining Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light. The spirits gifted us with incredible sunshine during our time together which was great. April can typically be rainy and cold. It was good to journey a lot and work hard and then be able to be on the land and in the sun. The night the workshop ended, there was a huge thunderstorm. I felt this as a blessing from the spirits.
The group was extremely excited about the work, and I left knowing that very fertile seeds were planted and would grow throughout Europe adding to the spiritual work that is already going on in many circles around the world.
We did work with putting ammonium hydroxide in distilled water. There was a significant drop of two pH points after our ceremony once again teaching that it is who we become that changes the world and not we do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last month I reminded you to make sure you are not leaving your body while transfiguring. You are simply experiencing your own true nature which is divine, source, and oneness. We leave our bodies and experience source after death. Our task while we are alive is to embody our divinity.
One of the intentions I have given students to focus on while journeying or meditating to transfigure is, “Please take from me what keeps me separate from source, oneness, my own divinity.” It has been a short cut to talking about and going into dismemberment as I discussed in my book Medicine for the Earth.
When I was in England teaching Medicine for the Earth I again gave this intention as one way to begin to transfigure. We kept up the process of transfiguration as we moved into the work of healing with spiritual light.
A wonderful young man at the training, with a very bright spirit, gave me some feedback on the use of this intention. His feedback had to do with what I have been writing about the difference of petition and decree. When we petition we are asking for help. When we decree we are stating we know that the help we need is already present.
One example would be instead of saying, “Please help me,” you could say, “ The help from the powers of the universe is here with me now”.
When we move into working with decree we raise the frequency and resonance of our work. You can feel the difference when you “beg” for help instead of stating the help you need is here now. A decree carries more life and vibration along with your words and prayers.
If you are new to the Transmutation News you might wish to visit the archives, listed on my home page, and read the July 2003 Transmutation News. I wrote more about using decree versus petition.
This young man at my training said that as he kept transfiguring using the intention, “Please take from me what keeps me separate from source” he felt like this was a petition. He is right, it is. Instead during the drumming he used the intention, “I am divine”. Again this was after the initial journey to learn how to transfigure so he had already had the experience he could drop into again. His feedback to me was that he felt there was a higher frequency and vibration to his experience.
I was very excited to receive his feedback as I have been putting out the intention that I want to look at how to raise the frequency and vibration of my own transfiguration work. Here is one step that you might wish to try. As you keep up your transfiguration practice simply acknowledge that you are divine, source, oneness, God, the goddess, the power of the universe (you must find words that work with your philosophical and religious beliefs). Notice if you feel a change in your experience.
There are different ways you can work with this depending on the senses you use to take you to deep levels. You could work with the symbol of your creator and holding that in your body and consciousness while you journey that was described in Chapter 1 of Medicine for the Earth. As I wrote in a previous Transmutation News, the creator or creative force of the universe has many different facets. You can see examples of this teaching in different cross-cultural creation myths. You might repeat the exercise that I suggested in Chapter 1 of Medicine for the Earth to keep learning about different aspects of the creative force.
I am not a visual person when I journey or meditate. I do have a picture of my creator in my office to remind me of the truth of who I am when I am pulled out of myself. But working with this image when I am transfiguring does not stimulate a change in consciousness.
I am very auditory. Sound creates a resonance that vibrates deep within my cells. When I tried using the words “I am divine” to move me into a transfigured state, I found these words did not have a high enough frequency for me. I have been experimenting with “I am radiant” and “I am that which radiates love and light”. When I worked with these words they seemed to stimulate a transfigured state which carried a very high vibration with it.
The point is that you have to find an intention which contains a decree whether it is a symbol, a sound, a feeling, a smell, a taste that puts you personally into a transfigured state at the same time raising the frequency of your past experiences. The key here is experimentation.
As I keep looking at how we can evolve to a deeper way of working I am always looking at raising the vibration. Part of raising the vibration has to do with “right timing” for us as individuals and also as the collective. Part of it has to do with not getting into too much routine in our spiritual practice so that it continues to evolve and grow.
Last month I suggested you begin an ongoing spiritual practice of absorbing light from the elements as you take them into your body. As I continued to work with this my helping spirits gave me a practice to add to this. I was guided to begin a practice of going outside and walking on the land. As I walked I was to breathe in and absorb light and love from the earth and the universe and then to breathe out light and love.
I was told to do this only as long as I could maintain my concentration and not get distracted. Short periods where I could concentrate are better than continuing the work while thoughts were distracting me.
The first time I did this I was taking a walk in the arroyo where I live. I have been walking this same arroyo for close to ten years. After about five minutes into my walk three deer crossed my path. I have never seen deer in the ten years of living in the location I am. After another couple of minutes there was a bull snake (a very friendly snake and a sign of good luck in my locale) lying in my path. I have never seen a snake while I have been walking in the arroyo. I do feel nature was responding to my practice.
As you continue to keep up the practice of absorbing light from the water you drink, air you breathe, food you eat, and the sun which gives you energy try to also incorporate the practice I wrote about above. Just do it for a few minutes a day. You can do this in an urban or rural environment. The practice itself continues to help you on an energetic level while at the same time showing your love and appreciation for the earth and all of life. It is another way for us to stay connected to the web of life.
This is another practice that is important to share with your children.
Starting July we will use this practice as preparation for some worldwide ceremonies we will perform to work with the morphic resonance field with ceremonies in working with the elements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A student of mine sent me an article from a newspaper from Daytona Beach, Florida. The article says that for the second time in 12 months, a national panel of scientists and experts has concluded the United States is treating the oceans more like poorly managed cesspools than water gardens. A federal report released concludes it’s time that came to a stop.
The article goes on in more detail with suggestions for change and education about our oceans. The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy was accepting comments from officials and individuals until May 21.
The more we can educate the public to what is happening on our planet, hopefully people will wake up to the need to change our attitude and behavior toward the oceans and the rest of our environment. I do see articles like the one written in Daytona Beach as a good sign. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David Corbin and Nan Moss are dear friends of mine who are also brilliant teachers in the world. They developed and self-published a divination deck of cards called “Cloud Dancing”. The cards are beautiful and healing just to look at. In the accompanying book David and Nan explain how to use the cards as a divination tool. They do not give interpretations for the different cards, rather they inspire us to learn how to read the signs given to us by nature to help us with our questions and in our lives.
To learn more about the Cloud Dancing cards and the work of David and Nan, please visit
Over the last few years ShamanicCircles has helped me to create a scholarship fund for my Medicine for the Earth Gatherings. Shamanic Circles is a non-profit organization that I have been connected with. They do wonderful work in networking shamanic circles around the world and fostering global communities. I hope you will visit their website at They are also listed on the Important Link section of this web page.
Thanks to the generosity of Shamanic Circles, which is a non- profit foundation, people have been able to make tax deductible donations for scholarships to those in need who want to attend my Medicine for the Earth Gatherings. This has been a great success as I have been able to help anyone who cannot afford one of those trainings.
This fund has now been expanded where donations are being accepted to help people who want to attend my other shamanic trainings.
If you want to donate to this scholarship fund, please send a check made out to Shamanic Circles to me at: Sandra Ingerman, P.O. Box 4757, Santa Fe, NM 87502. Specify on the check if you want this to go to Medicine for the Earth Gatherings or to a general workshop fund. I will send the check off to the treasurer of shamanic circles and you will receive a letter that you can use as a receipt for a tax deduction.
It has been such a great feeling not to have to turn people away from the Medicine for the Earth Gatherings because of lack of funds. I hope to be able to expand this out to my other trainings.
And I wanted to share with you some good news. For years I have tried to find a French publisher for my books without success. Finally a publisher in Paris will be publishing Soul Retrieval and Medicine for the Earth in French.
And here is something fun. The magazine Country Living has a one page piece on Medicine for the Earth in the June issue. The short piece just includes simple suggestions of how we can connect with water and it mentions my book. Check it out. If you just want to look at the magazine at a bookstore it is on page 77.
A few months ago I announced that the lecture CD, “Miracles for the Earth” produced by Sounds True will be out this summer. It actually won’t be out until November. I will be happy when it is out as it does contain exercises and a guided visualization to move people into a transfigured state, which can be shared with people who are not interested in shamanism and shamanic journeying.
For this month work with the information I shared with you in this Transmutation News to experience a deeper level to your transfiguration practice. Take a walk for 10 minutes a day where you absorb the light and love from the earth and the universe and breathe out love and light to the earth, universe, and all of life.
Continue to work with calling your dreams into being with the practices in working in the void I wrote about in the April 2004 Transmutation News.
The full moon this month is June 2. Let’s continue to weave a global web of light as well as experience the web of light in the earth that connects us all. Experience yourself as an appendage growing out of the web of light caretaking “the garden”.
With all the news that can be so distracting and disturbing right now, we must focus on not getting lost in the chaos of our times and continue to tend the garden. New life will be born out of the chaos. Our role is to stay focused on tending.
The next few months of the Transmutation News will focus on worldwide ceremonies to work with affecting the morphic resonance of the elements. The more you can work with the practices outlined in this month’s Transmutation News the more effective our work will be.
If you want to read the Transmutation News in German, French, Italian, or Slovakian please go to the Important Link section of this web page.