Transmutation News June 2013 Download printable versionI want to thank everyone for your kind words, beautiful messages, prayers, love, and support when my mother Lee Ingerman passed away. I really wanted to answer every email and card that I received, but it was not possible for me to do so. I hope you felt my thanks and love coming back to you.This is a deep time of reflection for me. The last four years of my life completely revolved around caring for my parents. And I have a lot to process over time.We all embody our life experiences. Our experiences settle into our cells and then sculpt us in a variety of ways. We have the ability to transform and transmute challenging life experiences – to feel them and decide how they will sculpt and guide us.We always have the choice to evolve and use our challenges as gifts and tools to help us grow.We can allow life experiences to settle and harden us. Or we can focus on the positive and even though we hurt share a smile and a kind word. This changes us, lights us up in the darkest of times. I really appreciated being witness to how my mother became more peaceful and bright the last few years of life whereas previously she might have been stuck in the hardships of life.In How to Thrive in Changing Times I shared a story about a Tibetan nun who had been imprisoned by the Chinese. She was tortured and was in prison for many years.This beautiful nun was in a bookstore in Santa Fe. Someone had asked her how she healed from what had happened to her. For now the Tibetan nun was a bright and happy person. She said she repeated to herself like a mantra, “Thank you for everything. I have no complaints whatsoever.” This change in attitude created healing for her and a shift of her perception about life.I have been finding in my own life that when I am feeling down I think about one of my favorite trees I visit as I walk. I imagine putting my hands on the bark and feeling my deep connection and love for nature. This continues to lift me up.At the end of my mother’s life she focused on what she loved instead of her challenges. I made a choice to focus on how much I loved both my parents and the wonderful memories instead of the times of challenge in our relationship.Shifting our focus to what we love about life changes our neural pathways and opens up new possibilities of feeling joy versus pain. We are not denying the pain that we feel or the challenges that we have experienced. But we do have a choice of how our life experiences shape our presence and ability to allow love and our light to shine through us.We celebrate the summer/winter solstice on June 21. No matter what we have been through in life we are who we are now based on all that has occurred. We all have borne great fruit from all our labors.Let us make a choice to reflect on the beauty of the fruit that grows from us as we have grown and evolved into beautiful beings. Celebrate all that you are now. As you do this you honor nature and the universe for the life you were given.My mother had such a passion for life. She believed life was a precious gift. I have felt the best way to honor her life is to be in deep gratitude for the life I was given by my parents, my ancestors, earth, air, water, the sun, and the power of the universe. I have always had my gratitude practices, but recently my state of gratitude comes from a deeper place from within. My well of gratitude is much deeper now.To be deeply grateful for our lives honors the source of our life. It is time for us to celebrate the gift of life that we were given.Take time on the solstice to reflect on the gifts you have been given from your ancestors and from earth, air, water, and the sun. Allow your state of appreciation to deepen and flow through you celebrating life!Over the last couple of years I have been writing about unconditional love, light, joy, and gratitude. These states of consciousness are always who we are and are not based on our outer circumstances.All that life brings us takes us deeper and deeper into our inner well where we can allow unconditional states of consciousness to flow up through us and into the world.During the solstice, take some time to reflect on how deep your own well has become.Let us join our hearts together to wish everyone in our community a joyous solstice! Let your light, love, and gratitude flow through you feeding all of life on our beautiful planet. Happy solstice!!Weave this state of gratitude and appreciation into our full moon ceremony creating a web of divine light and unconditional love within and throughout the earth touching every living being on our great earth.Life is precious! Let us celebrate and honor life!If you are new to reading The Transmutation News please visit “Creating a Human Web of Light” on the homepage of this site for the instructions of how to participate in our full moon ceremonies.Announcements:Please visit Trainings and Announcements on this website to find out how to contact the sponsors for my “Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light” training and “The Five Day Soul Retrieval Training” I am teaching in 2014 in Joshua Tree, California. All the information has now been posted.A couple of years ago I recorded through Sounds True an online course “Experiencing the Shamanic Journey”.Although the course can still be accessed at any time Sounds True is re-running the course where people can log on and take the course together and have a forum to communicate through.I will do a live session for the course in mid July.For further information and to register please visit: Also I want to remind you that I teaching a webinar through the Open Center. The course is titled: Practicing Shamanism in the 21st Century.The course will be taught live on September 8 and September 22 at 1-3 PM Eastern Standard Time.For more information on how to register please visit: or call the New York Open Center at 212-219-2527, extension 2.
Copyright 2013 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.