March 2019 Transmutation News Download printable version
I joined Renee Baribeau for an interview on Michael Sandler’s Show Inspire Nation. It is a really great interview where we cover a lot of topics about shamanism and performing ceremonies. To watch or listen to the show here is the link:
I have really enjoyed teaching my online courses. I have been teaching online for many years. These courses do not take the place of being in a physical workshop where a deeper sense of community can be built by drumming, dancing, singing, laughing, and performing ceremonies together. But in today’s world online courses provide an opportunity for people who can’t travel to a workshop.
I have learned more about teaching shamanism by being on Facebook for years reading all the posts and questions from the participants in my courses.
I have been able to clearly identify where many students are getting stuck as they are introduced to shamanic journeying. And the missing piece that people are not getting is the power of building incredibly strong and long term relationships with the helping spirits.The key to a deep shamanic practice is to meet a spirit in a journey and look deeply into your helping spirits eyes, feeling the power of their breath, and opening your invisible ears to hear inspirational messages, and receive healing help.
In the West instead of taking the time to build such a strong relationship like you would with the most important person in your life, new shamanic journeyers come back and immediately ask others why a guardian spirit introduced itself as an ally and how to interpret what was shown in the journey.
This behavior sets up a dead end path in shamanism as no one else can interpret the meaning of such a sacred relationship.
I have been working with my helping spirits for so long they are the only beings I turn to with questions, healing help, and suggestions of ceremonies to perform. I talk to them throughout the day as I would my best friends.
I have realized that the behavior of students in our modern culture crosses over to how many engage with the other living beings we share this planet with. One might sit by a tree and ask for a message or for some guidance. But it is a rare person who visits a tree every day for a year getting to know each other and becoming allies for each other.
What would happen if we build and establish strong relationships with other species? I believe we would learn how to live in harmony and raise our consciousness to healthier and kinder ways of living.
You can start with a plant in your house. Visit it daily and create a two way relationship with it. You might not hear words spoken in your language. But overtime you will learn a shared language that will infuse your life with a sense of wonder. You could start your practice with a stone or rock or visiting your favorite tree every day. Talk to the water you drink and wash with everyday. These are just suggestions.
To add this to this I found when I first taught transfiguration people were not really connecting with the Source of light that lives within and is our authentic identity. I could see that the short comings of so many students were born from not knowing about their own story of creation. For if you do not have a strong relationship with the divine and Source, transfiguration can all become a mental concept and lose the power of transmuting heavy leaded consciousness into golden light.
To go deeper with your work, I wish to plant the seed of the need of building stronger relationships with Source, our helping compassionate spirts and learning the language of the beings in nature.We are woven together in the web of life!
This work will raise your consciousness to a beautiful place where harmony can once again return between humans and all of life. And then we don’t focus so much on the outcome of our work. For we are immersed in such magic, wonder, and awe we learn how to live fully in the present.
As I have shared in past columns I am so proud of the work of the teachers that have trained with me and who are listed on They are teaching such unique workshops and sharing such inspirational tools to help during these times.
Tracy Shulsinger is one of these teachers. I love the work she is doing. Recently we were communicating, and she shared with me a wonderful practice. I thought the practice is brilliant and feel it is perfect to welcome in the equinox. It beautifully weaves in my teaching that shamans are gardeners of energy.
We welcome in the Spring/Fall equinox on March 20. Below is what Tracy shares with our global community.
Shamanic Peace Gardens
In early January 2019 I gathered with my monthly shamanic journeying circle and we asked our guides, “What intentions or focus are in my highest good for 2019?”
I received several beautiful and exciting answers, and I would like to share one of them with you.
My helping spirits said:
It is time to venture out into the world more. You need to involve yourself more with what is happening all over the globe, and not avoid hearing about events because of how it affects you. When you hear about something that is happening in the world that pains you to hear, instead of retreating and avoiding it, go deeper into the situation and plant shamanic peace gardens. Shamanic peace gardens will help to bring harmonious and beautiful life to the situation and to the people that are involved. As you are clearing away the debris over the Earth, you are also clearing away the debris of the situation. As you dig a hole in the Earth, you are digging deep into the situation to connect with it. As you plant a seed in the Earth, you are inserting a different kind of energy into the situation- one that will help to change, overcome, and to plant beauty and peace there. As you cover the garden with soil you are grounding and anchoring the situation with this new energy. As you water the garden over and over again, you are continuously nurturing and loving the people and situation.
To plant shamanic peace gardens, you visualize yourself at the situation, then move through the process of planting a garden. First, clear the soil, clearing away any debris over the soil. Next, dig a hole. Then place seeds into the hole. Finally, cover the seeds with soil and water the peace garden. Return to the peace garden every time that you hear or think about the situation, and pour loving water onto the peace garden to help the peace, love and beauty to continuously grow.
This shamanic peace garden visualization can be done during a shamanic journey but it is actually meant to be done during moments of ordinary reality, when you are occupied with day to day activities. If you overhear a tragic news report, instead of turning the channel, you can consider to fully listen, feel all the feelings that are brought up, and then see yourself going to the location and planting a peace garden. This takes shamanic practice out into the world! Also, when you stay with your feelings, and in that moment of intensity, employ that intensity to energetically support the peace garden, and thus the situation, there is greater power behind your loving action, and greater power for transforming your emotions.
I was so relieved to receive this practice. I have felt guilty for years about avoiding current events and the news, but I felt it was necessary for self care, as I would have nightmares and constant ruminations about the suffering in the world. I figured my own suffering was not helping anyone, so better to spread joy in the world by feeling joyful inside myself. But this solution never felt quite right- I was in effect, bypassing life and my feelings over and over again. Now with the shamanic peace gardens practice I can engage the word fully, protect myself by being in the energy of the peace gardens, and help to bring the energy of life, love and beauty to the places and people in the world who greatly need it. The great magic in this practice is to continuously revisit your peace gardens when you think or hear about the people or events that inspired you to plant the peace garden. Practices are most effective when repeated- the energy grows and grows, just like your beautiful peace gardens over time!
With love,
Tracy Shulsinger
Tracy Shulsinger is a shamanic teacher and practitioner in Boulder, CO. She offers a monthly shamanic journeying and practice circle, teaches students to become shamanic practitioners and does individual healing sessions.
For more information:
The full moon is March 21. We can weave this beautiful practice that Tracy shared into our full moon ceremony of Creating a Human Web of Light. Let us keep building a stronger relationship with the divine light that is also shining brightly inside of us. And let us transfigure and radiate that light within and throughout the Earth.
If you are a new reader of the Transmutation News please visit “Creating a Human Web of Light” on the homepage to read instructions for our global full moon ceremony.
I also wanted to let everyone know that Tatiana Starikova has volunteered to keep up the Russian translations of The Transmutation News. This is so exciting to me as some of my books are out in Russian, and it is wonderful that we can bring readers into the work we are doing. Let us join together to thank Tatiana for her generosity of spirit!
I join everyone in our community in wishing you a beautiful equinox!!
The announcement section is quite long this month, but filled with information on wonderful offerings as I have two exciting events coming up sponsored by The Shift Network. In the future this section will be much shorter. But there is some beautiful work I wanted to introduce you to that is being taught by other teachers.
January 6 was the the wonderful premier for The Shamans Cave with myself and Renee Baribeau. You can watch the premier by visiting
This is an exciting opportunity for me to continue to share inspiration, shamanic practices and ceremonies. I hope you will subscribe.
For more information on the schedule for the show and other details please visit:
I love doing the show with Renee. It seems to bring out my inner child, and I find myself laughing a lot and not being as “formal” as I am on my interviews and presentations.
The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred into Everyday Life is really touching people. It is selling well, and I am getting remarkable feedback. If you have not ordered your copy I hope you will consider doing so.
The Hidden Worlds is also getting wonderful reviews by many magazines devoted to working with children and teens. The book inspires young adults of how power animals can be a support in school and through other challenges that life brings. To add to this the characters Isaiah, Rose, Magda, and George find their power animal to help them with a factory that was putting contaminants in the community’s water. Their power animals helped them to discover the truth and how to let the authorities know what was happening. It is a wild adventure filled with lessons and inspiration for children.
Visit :
I was interviewed by Wendy Halley on The Book of Ceremony and also The Hidden Worlds. It is a wonderful interview. Here's a link to the episode page:
“Shamanic Journeying With the Spirits of Nature: Building Strong Reciprocal, Healing Relationships with Animals, Trees, and Other Allies of the Middle World’”
I am so excited about a new course I am teaching sponsored by The Shift Network. The course begins on March 5. It is a seven week course that will be taught weekly on Tuesday evenings.
I invite you to also join me for the seven week course. Here is what we will cover:
In this course I will focus on journeying in the Middle World to build up strong long term reciprocal relationships with nature beings – the beings that live on the earth, in the water, and live in the air. We will journey to become allies with the stars, moon, sun, and galaxies. This includes journeying to crystals and learning some healing methods.
The theme of this course is to build relationships filled with kindness where nature beings don’t just become allies for us, but we also become allies for them.
The path of shamanism is all about deepening relationships and nourishing and protecting life.
When we learn the language of Nature we learn how to survive. We learn how to engage deeply in life and also how to become more conscious beings.
Imagine a world where both people and all the beings in nature consult with each other on how to live in harmony together and learn deep wisdom to share with each other. To add to this, imagine learning from both ancestor’s and descendant’s ceremonies for healing both ourselves and the planet. This establishes a beautiful and powerful connection with all of life that brings us into the role of being a co-creator.
Connect with whales that can send echoing sound messages to fellow pods miles away, informing them of a change in migratory patterns. Or the iguanas of the Galapagos Islands that can adapt their biology to the fluctuating environment.
And by discovering how to build a lasting relationship with our Middle World allies, we not only open to their wisdom, but to our own telepathic ways of connecting with these lifeforms –– from our favorite tree in our own backyard, to the birds that grace our parks, to the mountains and stars.
We also start to sense their compassion for us and the tumultuous evolutionary stage we’re in.
We will learn how to become a vessel for bringing through new teaching stories that emerge from our connection with other species and life forms. This helps us to rise up out of our limited perceptions and raise our consciousness.
I will also include how to bring children into the work.
To get information for the seven week course, visit:
And I am delighted to announce that I am also presenting on the Inspiring Women with Soul Summit which will take place March 1-14.
I’m honored to be among 40+ visionaries — including luminaries like Marianne Williamson, Lisa Nichols, Christina Rasmussen, Esperanza Universal, Sarah Prout, SARK, Daisy Lee, and so many others!
We’ll share insights and practices that can put you on a path to personal fulfillment AND planetary healing that’s sourced from your heart and highest calling. A path that is uniquely YOUR OWN, and yet contributes to the collective solutions for the biggest problems of our day.
You’ll be joining a global community of more than 80,000 women — a community of powerful, kindred souls, who celebrate your heart’s desires and challenge you to live out your highest calling!
I hope you’ll participate in this unique online series.
RSVP here for Inspiring Women with Soul — at no charge:
Andean Medicine Journey with Mitchell Clute Sacred Valley, Peru, May 11-23
I believe Mitchell Clute’s work is profound and brilliant. Any person who reads his writing or studies with him will be gifted with receiving a true transmittal of spiritual knowledge that can help us all heal and evolve. Mitchell is leading a powerful trip to Peru and I wanted to share some of the details with you . From Mitchell:
“Are you drawn to doing deeply transformative self-work with the powerful support of a medicine community? Do you want to access the incredible potential for healing and change that sacred medicine plants offer? Do the spirits of the mountains and high wild places call to you? Are you drawn to the ancient shamanic traditions of Peru? Do you want to see clearly what holds you back on your path—and to call on the support of guides and helping spirits, and your own deepest inner resources, to support you in living your life to the fullest?
Then join me this May in Peru! Over the course of 12 days, we will experience six daylong ceremonies with the sacred plant medicine huachuma (San Pedro), a cactus used for millennia by the native peoples of the Andes. Our ceremonies will be held at some of the most powerful sacred sites of the Inca and pre-Inca peoples, among the high mountains of the Sacred Valley, culminating with a special ceremony at the base of the sacred mountain Apu Ausangate.
Together, working with experienced paqos who have apprenticed on this path for a decade, we will explore hot springs and temple sites; participate in a despacho offering ceremony to connect to the land and its spirits in the spirit of ayni or sacred reciprocity; take a three-day trek to an ancient sun gate high above the Sacred Valley; visit the hidden local gems, eat meals prepared by traditional families, and more. Cost of $2500 includes all meals, lodging, transportation within Peru and ceremonies.
Learn more about the journey at
Christine Stevens teaches amazing workshops on drumming. Since ancient times, it’s been known that drumming has many healing effects on the body, mind, and spirit…
It decreases stress, induces deep relaxation, helps control chronic pain, helps you release negative feelings, grounds you in the moment, and boosts your immunity. It’s also just plain fun –– liberating spontaneous self-expression and creative energy.
Register here to join Christine for a free online event Awaken Your Rhythm: Discover Drumming for Spirituality & Health:
My friend and colleague, best-selling author Dr. Margaret Paul, has written a profound new workbook that is receiving rave endorsements. The title of her new book is The Inner Bonding Workbook. You can buy the book at your favorite bookstore or of course online.
This book is best described by some of the many people who have endorsed it. These are just a few endorsements for the book. I did endorse the book but I am only sharing some of the other stellar words written by others. The book is really wonderful!!
“Margaret Paul is one of our high priestesses, always taking us deeper into the mysteries of our own hearts and casting light on all she sees there.”
—Marianne Williamson, #1 New York Times best-selling author of A Return to Love
From the Foreword: “… Dr. Paul defies traditional psychology and opens a portal that promises to shave years off our time sitting on the couch trying to sort through the rubble of the past… She inspires us to grow our ability to be modern day mystics who are fully capable of hearing the voice of truth, wisdom, healing and love within ourselves, whenever we go within to listen.”
—Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times best selling author of Calling in the One and Conscious Uncoupling
“Margaret Paul has always been on the leading of the transformation and healing movement and ahead of her time in how to support responsibility-taking, empowerment, a sense of wholeness and connection within and without. Her commitment to supporting people in their healing journeys has had her share her wisdom, information, and processes with great clarity and certainty.”
"Tending to the ruptures in our sense of connection with our selves and spirit and in our relationships, Dr. Margaret Paul’s invitation to us through this book is nothing short of revelatory, empowering, relieving and deeply kind.
Inner bonding has been a staple in my own personal journey home to wholeness. The effects of Margaret’s teachings have touched my soul and life in a way that will see me grateful to her for the rest of my life.”
—Alanis Morissette, artist, activist, teacher
Copyright 2019 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.