Transmutation News May 2009
Physicist Mark Comings writes:
“We are Piezo-electric crystals full of living light. We can live in-phase and in harmony. We have unlimited access to an unlimited field of consciousness. We just need a deeper understanding of light, a deeper understanding of ourselves. There is more to light than meets the eye.”
I met Mark Comings years ago when I was presenting Medicine for the Earth at a conference. We spoke together for a couple of hours on the void and creation. He was adamant in our discussion that from a physics point of view scarcity is a man made concept. I spoke to him about teaching people how to create from the void and he calls the void the quantum plenum.
Recently a friend of mine sent me the quote above. And I found it perfect for the work we are doing together. For as we move forward in our evolution of consciousness we must keep exploring the light that we are. So for this month through your meditation work, your shamanic journeys, during your walks throughout the day continue your exploration of what it means to be a being of light.
For as we can experience ourselves as light we can be more of a harmonious presence in the world. And this of course is beyond understanding. For understanding concepts does not create real change. Having a cellular experience of light creates change.
Here is an interesting exercise to try this month. Take some time and lie down and put on some relaxing yet expansive music. Take some deep breaths and allow yourself to go within. Imagine a situation in your life that is full of chaos. Or you can imagine a chaotic situation in the world. And as you imagine the chaotic energy I want you to transfigure into your divine light. As you experience your light notice what happens to the chaos around you. Notice how you yourself can detach from the chaos and maintain your center and sense of well-being. Notice how the chaos around you starts to dissolve.
As you experience how light has a positive influence in the world it will help you to see the importance of keeping up your spiritual work. You do impact the world by your state of being. And we must continue on our journey to learn how to hold a state of light throughout the day.
The spiritual work we are engaged in has many initiation processes not that different than any activity that has a learning curve associated with it. We make great progress and incorporate new ways of being into our life. And then we reach a new doorway that requires a deepening of our skill set to move through it.
In this regard as you continue incorporating spiritual practices into your life you will find yourself having some real grace periods where you feel like you are living one big “aha” experience. And then you might find your mood changing into dissatisfaction and wondering what is the meaning of it all. This is normal. The key is to appreciate all the work you are doing and to honor each stage of change and transition you are in.
Keep digging deeper within yourself and find the tools that allow you to walk through the narrow doorways of limitation into wider doorways of expansion. In engaging in spiritual work we keep moving beyond the superficial to a searching for deeper meaning. And there are numerous territories we must walk through along the way.
Change is really accelerating right now. The planet is moving and shaking with volcanoes and more earthquakes. We are having earthquakes in our lives where we are being asked to let go of the known and move into the unknown. In this process there will be moments of great excitement and also moments of great despair. The key is to honor where you are at and not get attached to the excitement and not resist the despair. Just keep using the tools we have been working with to keep moving forward.
We are part of nature. And this is a teaching that we all know very well. But when you look at the human race people act as if they are separate. And this is causing the disharmony on every level of existence right now. It is essential that we as a global community reach out and teach the importance of connecting back to the earth.
Last month I wrote a column for the Society for Shamanic Practitioners newsletter. It has to do with reaching out to people in our communities. I thought I would share what I wrote here:
As people continue to be challenged by economic issues and environmental disasters we are seeing people coming together as strong communities to help each other. It is too bad that it has taken tragedy to move people out of a self-centered life style back to caring about what happens to one’s neighbors. But we are finally seeing a transition to a life of helping others.
As shamanic practitioners we know the incredible power of working in community for healing. For over and over again we see an exponential change in results when a group of practitioners focus on healing versus one practitioner working alone.
There are so many ways of being in service to one’s community. We are in service when we share our resources and donate money, food, clothes, etc. We are in service when we do our spiritual work to help our local community and also our greater global community.
And I do believe that working together in community is not a temporary change but an evolution to living in a more cooperative way of life.
Another way of being in service to our communities is by sharing and educating people to the tools that can help during challenging times. We all know how much shamanism has helped our clients, our students, and us. It is time to share on a broader level the gifts of this work.
Of course not everyone is ready for shamanic journeying, as the belief in helping spirits is not a principle mass consciousness is ready to embrace. And many of us reading this newsletter have found ways to use guided visualizations to help people get in touch with helping spirits without using a lot of language that comes from shamanism.
There are many other practices that are core to shamanism that we can share. To me one of the greatest shamanic practices we can share is teaching people to be grateful to earth, air, water, and the sun for the life these elements bring to us. We are all aware of how gratefulness is a core teaching of all indigenous cultures. To be grateful for the beauty of the earth and all the living beings who live on it is a powerful form of global healing.
I truly believe that if we can just teach people about the power of honoring and respecting the elements and all of life there would be an exponential change in personal and planetary healing. The greatest shamanic teaching we can share is remembering how precious life is.
And when you speak to your community if it is not appropriate to use the word “shamanism” then don’t. You can still frame the teachings into ancient spiritual practices. The teachings have been around for thousands of years and it is part of your shamanic education to find the vocabulary that translates into different communities you are part of.
A few years ago there was a terrible drought in Santa Fe. I love to read the letters to the editor in the newspaper. Everyday there were letters that were filled with people asking for rain dances, complaining bitterly about misuse of water, etc. I finally felt compelled to write about the principle that finding harmony within will create harmony without. And I wrote how yes we do need to be conscious about how we use water but we also have to change our inner state of consciousness to see long term healing. I wrote about a powerful shamanic principle and shared a teaching that I know some of the people reading the letter were impacted by. Our role is to educate and let those who ready for the information absorb it and work with it in a way they are called to.
Write an article for a local newspaper or schedule a talk at a local bookstore. It is time for all of us “to come out of the closet” and share the deep and healing wisdom of the ancients so that we can become conscious changemakers on the planet.
May 9 is the full moon. Let us celebrate the preciousness of life together and transfigure into our divine light as we continue to strengthen the web of light that connects us all.
And let’s continue to work in behalf of our global community as we transfigure for those in need as is written on the homepage of this site under “Creating A Human Web of Light.”
The November workshop I advertised on the Transmutation News “Working in Community To Thrive During These Changing Times” did fill very quickly. So I am planning to schedule a second workshop for February. If you would like to receive more information on the workshop please email Ruth Aber at:
And I have not forgotten that some of you would like me to do the entire workshop through teleconferencing. I need a bit more time to work out a schedule to do this. I hope to have a better idea of how I can work this into my schedule in the next couple of months.
Michele Lessirard is a wonderful and innovative shamanic teacher and practitioner in Florida listed on Over the years Michele has had great success working with transfiguration and healing with spiritual light in her practice. She sent me a story about some work she did while she was at Disney World.
Instead of repeating the whole story I asked her for a link to the story on her website. If you want to go straight to the story please visit:
Michele is also a great astrologer and she has a blog at:
Also I recently did an interview on Voice America with Christina Pratt, another wonderful shamanic practitioner and teacher listed on the practitioner section of in both Oregon and New York.
You can download this interview for free at:
Or if you prefer the iTunes compatible version of the show go to:
Linde Stecker in Austria was the very first person to start the translation process of the Transmutation News. She has been translating the Transmutation News into German for six years now. Linde had ended her translation work so she can devote more time to her beautiful family. And I ask you to join me in sending her many blessings in her life. She has been a devoted practitioner of the Medicine for the Earth work and we give thanks for all she has done to bring this work to the German speaking public.
And let’s greet and give thanks to Eva Ruprechtsberger in Austria who will be taking over the translation.
Over the years I have been highly recommending the book Flight of the Goose: A Story of the Far North by Lesley Thomas. I recently saw a review of the book in the magazine Shaman’s Drum so decided to mention the book again. It is such a great read. Although the book is fiction set in the Arctic it has some important cultural, shamanic, and environmental themes running throughout the book. Lesley is an incredible writer. I am not an easy reader to please and I could not put the book down.
A few years ago I wrote about the work of Chase Charter who creates tones for healing. I have listened to some of his CDs and really have found them useful for both relaxation and healing. Chase just released a Gratitude Series. If you would like to find out more about his work please visit:
And finally here are two events some of you might be interested in: The first BC Canadian Shaman Conference to be held in Squamish BC Canada this coming November, hosted by the Sacred Circle of the Great Mystery Society on Nov 4-8 2009. This is to be a great event with teachers from the US, Canada and the UK and guests from as many places. There will be a great amount of wisdom, learning and community as we gather together the Shamanic Family amongst the mountains and rivers of the Sacred Land of the Squamish Nation. Seal Camp, the venue/site of the conference, is designed to be accessible to everyone’s physical abilities and our teachers have also this in mind. The focus of the Conference is Fire & Ice, Ancestors & Descendants and in coming together we hope to bring a healing answer to the prayers sent by our Mother the Earth and all Her children. With that objective, the Conference plans to be as ecologically responsible as possible in its conception and manifestation. The conference will also be donating to a surgical clinic for the indigenous Maya in Guatemala and to a Canadian Wolf Sanctuary for the upkeep of a pair of wolves. The current information for the 1st BC Residential Shamanic Conference is now on line and can be viewed at There is the ability to register and pay from the website and to be able to select which speakers and workshops you would like to attend. For more information please email Dr. John-Luke Edwards at
Bhutan and Nepal, Lands of The Thunder Dragon: A Spiritual Journey with Meg Beeler and Bhola Banstola 9/28 to 10/14/2009 Our journey will take us to high mountain passes and semi-tropical river valleys, traditional Bhutanese mask-dance festivals, ancient fortress-monastery Dzongs, a flight over the Himalayas, and the Kathmandu Valley for a four-day trek. We will explore the Bhutanese focus on “Gross National Happiness.” Throughout the trip, we will pay special attention to ancient sacred sites. We will explore their energy and create luminous connections between our home power spots and the mountains and rivers of the Himalayas. We will participate in the great unfolding and anchoring of portals and sacred earth places to each other, feeding the webs of light that connect us all. See for details, or email Meg at