June Transmutation News 2017 Download printable version
We continue to hold all who are impacted by challenging environmental and political events in love and light. We continue to perform our spiritual work from the deepest place of our soul to change the vibration of the collective consciousness. It is important to keep our focus on the spiritual work we need to do to make a difference in the world. There has never been a more important time in our lifetime to stand together.
I have been receiving a number of emails and Facebook messages from people all over the world requesting prayers for different environmental issues in cities, local areas where spiritual help is needed. This is why I share the transfiguration practice and Medicine for the Earth work so widely. For we need communities of people to gather locally to perform transfiguration ceremonies in desperate need of assistance.
Together we celebrate the solstice on June 21. In the Northern Hemisphere we cycle into summer while the Southern Hemisphere cycles into Winter.
The solstice is a powerful time for us to do some work together.
In April I was a guest on Michael Stone’s New Moon call. He creates the calls to talk to a guest presenter about a deep subject on spiritual practice, and then the guest on the show facilitates a ceremony.
I am using an adaptation of the ceremony I shared during my presentation for all of us to gather as a global circle to bless our community on this solstice. For it is important for us to receive the blessings of love and light to support us in keeping up the practices we are doing together. We might have different beliefs about what is happening in the world, but we come together out of love for the Earth and all of life.
On the solstice begin with your preparation work so that you are not taking into the unseen realms your thoughts and what anchors you to ordinary reality. When you are ready join in the ceremony I have written up.
You might want to put on a favorite drumming or shamanic music track that can support you while you perform the ceremony. You can also drum, rattle, sing and dance, after you have read the ceremony a few times, and continue to work in your own way.
Start by placing your hands on your heart. Think about something in life that you are in awe and wonder of. We all have something that is precious to us. Maybe it is your favorite flower or another nature being. What is your favorite fragrance or your favorite taste? What are your favorite sounds? Place what is special to you in your heart.
Breathe into your heart. As you breathe, imagine yourself stepping away from your ordinary thoughts and your concerns for now. It is such a privilege to have the opportunity to join together as a dedicated, collective, in service to life and the Earth. Use your imagination to experience yourself stepping into a loving circle. Breathe deeply and connect to your heartbeat.
Connect to the heartbeat of the Earth. We are always connected to the Earth’s heartbeat. Connect to the spirit of the land where you live. The more you connect with the land where you live, the more gracefully your life will flow. As you connect with the helping ancestral spirits of the land you live on your ceremonial work will be more fluid and successful.
Feel the power, love, and the spiritual light of our virtual circle. We can't see each other, but we can feel the presence of each other with our non-ordinary senses. Feel the power, the love, and the spiritual light flowing through you. From your heart, let’s welcome each other. No matter how you are feeling right now, no matter what is going on in your life you are welcome in our circle.
We welcome and greet our helping compassionate spirits and the spirit of earth, air, water, and fire. We greet the spirit that lives in all things as well as the moon and the stars. We know the creative power of the words we use. Words are seeds, and what you plant grows. With your words you bless yourself, loved ones, others, and all of life and the planet.
It is also well understood that thoughts are things. Our thoughts feed into the dreams that manifest in our physical world.
Close your eyes and focus on your heart.
Imagine yourself standing up from the place that you are journeying or meditating in. Step out of your front door. As you do this, imagine yourself lifting a veil between the ordinary world to the power of the unseen and the invisible realms. As you lift the veil between the worlds, you step out onto a beautiful path in nature.
As you walk the path you might be surrounded by trees or find yourself walking through another beautiful landscape. Feel the earth beneath you. As you walk reach down and touch the soil, the earth, or the sand, and feel its texture. As you continue to walk, gaze upon the beauty of nature that surrounds your path. Observe the greenery, the rocks, the animal beings, the insects, the flowers, and other nature beings.
What a gift to live on this amazing planet. What a gift to be in community working through our personal and planetary challenges together. No matter how dark we feel as we walk the path there is always light ahead. In nature, there is always the darkness and the light. There is always death and then rebirth. There is the dissolution and then the illumination.
Continue to walk this path. Take a deep breath and smell the fragrances. Listen to the sounds of nature and even taste the air. Notice how you are feeling right now as you do this. Acknowledge that you are getting ready to stand together in community with openhearted people like yourself.
You come to a meadow where you are greeted by guardian spirits waiting for you. As you are greeted by one of the guardian spirits he or she will spiritually cleanse you. The guardian spirit might use incense to cleanse you or a feather to wipe away anything that needs to be cleared. Before you move into sacred and holy space, you have to let go of your burdens for any ceremony to be successful. As you are cleansed, you will notice that there is a powerful fire burning in the middle of this meadow. Enter into a circle forming around the fire. You might be drumming, rattling, singing, dancing, or you might be silent.
Smell the fire burning and listen to the crackling of the fire. As we stand together in the circle, let's take a moment to look around and gaze into each other eyes, see the light, and feel the love of every person in our circle. We have gathered outside of time to bless each other, to stand strong together in unity and in love for ourselves, for all of life and the Earth. You will notice that on the ground there are offering bowls and exquisite flowers. Fire is a living being and intelligent and is reading your heart and soul right now. Fire knows your wishes.
You will notice that there are bowls filled with sticks that have yarn wrapped around them. Walk up to one of the bowls and pick up a stick that has yarn of your favorite color. Notice what color that you have picked, what it means to you, and how it makes you feel on a cellular level. Now, travel within and imagine a word whose vibration holds beauty, power, and love. The vibration will travel up into the universe and will manifest back on the Earth.
Every word that holds the frequency of love, light, and unity is perfect. It is a word of blessing, a gift that you want to contribute to our community. Blow the power of this word into your prayer stick. As you do that, walk up to the fire and put your prayer stick in the flames with the intention of blessing yourself, our community who has gathered together, all of life, and the Earth.
As you place your prayer stick into the fire, the fire will take this blessing up to the creative forces of the universe. The universe will join you in partnership in this blessing ceremony. Once you place your prayer stick into the fire you will notice there are sacred herbs to put into the fire in thanks and gratitude. Place some herbs into the fire in gratitude, and come back into the circle. Gaze into the eyes of each person, seeing their light shining through them. Experience the vibration of unity.
Let the love and light you are feeling flow. Now I ask that as you look around the circle you state out loud the same word you chose to bless our circle. I will join you as you do this as I share the words “exquisite”, “magic”, and “luminescence”. Then let's hold hands, and continue to feel the power of love and light flowing through our entire circle.
As humans, we are the bridge between the earth and the sky. We bridge the power of the universe through our hearts. Feel the love flowing. Let us be that bridge of love as we stand strong together in service to the planet. Once again, look at the beauty of the fire and of nature. It is now time for us to take our leave. Let's give thanks to our circle, and drop hands.
Turn around and start to walk back down the beautiful path in nature into the room that you are journeying or meditating in. Thank the helping spirits who we called in, who have supported our work, and who have held each of us in unconditional love. Return to the room that you are journeying or meditating in. Step through the veil of the unseen realms into your ordinary space. Notice how you feel right now. Make sure you feel grounded, making sure you feel deep roots connecting you with the earth. Take some deep breaths and open your eyes. Our work is done for now.
You might choose to put the word of blessing onto your altar continuing to bless our circle and hold us all in love.
We join our hearts together to wish you a glorious solstice!
If you would like to listen to the interview and conversation I had with Michael Stone and/or listen to the live ceremony as I drummed and sang for the group please click on the link below. Michael does these free calls each month and you can learn more if you are interested.
Here is the link for the New Moon call. https://im332.infusionsoft.com/app/form/sandra-recording-signup
The full moon is June 9. There is so much going on in the world today that needs our attention and love. Let us drop into our Inner World and experience the depth of our divine light. Feel it being absorbed in all your cells so you are being healed by it. Let it continue to flow effortlessly connecting your light to the inner starlight radiating through our entire global community. Let’s radiate that light within and throughout the Earth touching every precious being in the web of life.
For new readers of the Transmutation News please read “Creating a Human Web of Light” for instructions of our full moon ceremony.
We have two new volunteer translators who will help to bring the Transmutation News to communities who do not speak English. Bea Salgado is joining Carole LaPlante in translating the column into French. And Jorjette Cristescu is now translating the Transmutation News in Romanian. Let us join our hearts together to give deep thanks and gratitude for helping us to expand our circle. And let us share blessings with them for their generosity of spirit as translating this column each month is a lot of work.
I am delighted to announce that Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life has just been published in Italian. The title is Guida Completa Alla Vita Sciamanica: Potenzia La Tua Realta Quotidiana Seguendo La Via Della Sciamanesesimo. The publisher is Macro www.grupomacro.com.
To order my books Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life, Speaking with Nature: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom of the Earth (co-written with Llyn Roberts), my CD “Shamanic Visioning Music: Taiko Drum Journeys”, “The Spirit of Healing” or any of my other books and CD programs, the Transmutation App (now available for both Apple and Android devices) please visit:
I am beginning my 12-week teleconferencing class through the Shift Network on June 20. The course is titled “Shamanic Journeys for Community, Healing: How Shamanic Practice Can Heal Families, Communities and Nations”. This class is a perfect way to deepen your shamanic practice and explore how you can use shamanic work to help others and the planet. And the beauty of the course, besides the powerful journeys that we do, is having the opportunity to perform virtual ceremonies for personal and global healing with people from around the world. And then there is a Facebook page that I am very active on to share our shamanic and ceremonial experiences forming a strong community.
During the wild ride and turbulent times, we are experiencing on the planet this is such a wonderful opportunity to work in community and be so personally supported.
The full write up for this course is on the Training Section http://www.sandraingerman.com/trainingsannouncements.html
An intro call for the course titled “Shamanic Journeying for Collective Healing” will air on June 7. I hope you will listen to the call as I share how we can join together to heal ourselves, loved ones, clients, and the planet. I share some interesting stories on this call.
You can reserve your free space here: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/sjchSI/ingerman/
May 2-6 2018 I am teaching one of my favorite trainings - Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light. This course will be taught at the Y Camp in Estes Park, Colorado and will be sponsored by Sounds True. This course includes the personal work we need to do as we keep raising our vibration to help make a difference in the world. We will connect with the healing power of nature and perform ceremonies every evening including a transfiguration ceremony and a fire ceremony. Also, you will learn how to bring Healing with Spiritual Light into any practice you have where you work with clients. The work with Healing with Spiritual Light can also be used to help friends, loved ones, and places on the planet in need of healing. In summary, this course is to help you with the daily spiritual work you need to do, perform ceremonies to reverse environmental pollution on the planet, and to learn how to bring this work into your healing work with others and into your community.
The full write up for the course is on the Training Section of this site http://www.sandraingerman.com/trainingsannouncements.html
I will continue to teach this workshop. At the same time I did ask Sounds True if they would film the course so that others can benefit from watching and participating in the course in an online format. I love that the course will be available for students for years to come. I had Sounds True film my beginning workshop “Experiencing the Shamanic Journey”. This has been such a great way for people from around the world to benefit from learning the practice of shamanic journeying when it is not possible to show up physically to a training. And I hope that filming the Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light will allow a widespread community to learn such valuable practices.
Sounds True is now creating a website with more information and how to register for the course. The website is not ready yet. For now, if you are interested in attending please save the date.
I have been teaching this course since 2000. Teaching and being with groups during this powerful training have been some of the happiest moments in my life. And it is joy to have the opportunity to share the work with you.
Many of you are sending me emails about a new Teacher Training that I wrote about in The April Transmutation News. I can only teach experienced shamanic practitioners how to teach. The prerequisites must be completed before you even apply. And we are not sending out applications yet. I am giving people time to complete the prerequisites and will probably schedule the course for the end of 2018 or beginning of 2019.
You must have successfully completed a course on:
- Beginning Shamanic Journeying Skills. Besides taking a workshop with a teacher who trained with me, this prerequisite can be satisfied by taking Part 1 and 2 of my Shift Network Course or participating in my online course “Experiencing the Shamanic Journey, sponsored by Sounds True, which was filmed live in Boulder. You can look up more information on how to sign up for these course in the Training Section under Online Courses
- Extraction
- Death and Dying including psychopomp work
- The Five Day Soul Retrieval Training.
- Medicine for the Earth and Healing with Spiritual Light (Part 1 and 2 of my Shift Network satisfies this prerequisite).
- And you need to be working with clients for at least 6 months and send me case studies showing the results of your work. The case studies will be sent with your application.
If you are serious about taking the Teacher Training please start to work on the prerequisites. You can take the prerequisite courses with any of the teachers listed on www.shamanicteachers.com.
Don’t miss your chance to receive the wisdom of leading shamanic teacher, healer and author Itzhak Beery — and discover shamanic protection and self-defense techniques to help you remove negative energy and energetic pollution from your system.
Register here to receive the recording for “The 3 Keys to Shamanic Healing: Ancient Medicine Tools for Soul Healing, Energy Cleansing, Diagnosis & Protection”: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/shSI/ingerman/
Copyright 2017 Sandra Ingerman. All rights reserved.